Milledgeville, Ga. Sports Players


  • Earnest Byner - Cleveland Browns, Washington Redskins, Baltimore Ravens;
  • J. T. Wall  UGA. Pittsburg Steelers, Indianapolis Colts.
  • Lucious Sanford - Chicago Bears;
  • Nick Harper - Indianopolis Colts, Tennesse Titans
  •  Leroy Hill - Seattle Seahawks
  • Maurice Hurt - Washington Redskins

      Coach Charles Herty University of Georgia
     Coach Wally Butts - University of Georgia


  • Rico Washington - St. Louis Cardinals.
  • Rondell White - San Diego Padres


  • Larry Turner - Los Angeles Lakers
  • Tasha Butts  - University of Tennesse Lady Volunteer's
  • Willie Greene - Cincinnati Red's

    AMA Pro Road Racing:

  • Aaron Yates

    Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2004