Old State House
Milledgeville, Ga.
 201 E. Greene St.,

                Built about 1807 by Army engineers, Jett Thomas and John Scott.
             Gothic architecture, National Register of Historic Places.
                Since 1879 Georgia Military College has occupied this site.
In 1833 the capitol caught on fire and was saved by slave Sam Marlow who was freed by the legislature.
1880 parts of the capital were destroyed by fire.
1894 the clock tower was destroyed by fire. It  burned in 1941
and was restored in 1943. In 1978 the old capitol was designated as
a National Historic Landmark. Renovation began in 1998 and was completed in 2000.

The first statehouse built in 1807
From a 1832 Southern Recorder



 The view is from near the residence of R. M. Orme, Esq. The State Penitentiary is on the left. The State House is seen on the hill on the right; the Milledgeville and McComb's Hotels on the left. The Presbyterian,  Methodist, Baptist, and Episcopal churches appear in the central part.

      Sherman's Soldiers at the Capitol Nov. 1864, side view
Harper's Bazaar

Sherman's Soldiers at the Capitol Nov. 1864, front view
Harper's Bazaar


Georgia Military College

Georgia Military College
After 1941


Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2004