Vanishing Georgia, Georgia Division of Archives and History, Office of Secretary of State
St. Stephens Episcopal Church
220 S. Wayne St., Milledgeville

     The State Historical Marker: "This Church was organized in 1841 through the efforts of Bishop Stephen Elliott. the  church building was completed in 1843 and  consecrated Dec. 10. The vestibule, annex  and Gothic roof were added later. The  handmade chancel furniture was given by an early parishioner, John Wilcox. Rev. Rufus  White was probably the first Rector and J.M.  Cotting and C.J. Paine the first Wardens. In  1864 the building was damaged when    Federal troops dynamited the nearby arsenal.   In 1909 a new organ was presented by  George W. Perkins of New York who had  heard that Sherman's troops stabled horses in  the building and further damaged its contents".

     According to the Acts of The Georgia State Legislature, Dec. 8, 1841 " John R. Cotting and Charles J. Paine, wardens, and John S. Thomas, Michael J. Kenan and William S. Rockwell, vestrymen, and their successors in office, be, and they are hereby incorporated and made a body politic and corporate, under the name and style of the Wardens and Vestry of St. Stephen's Church."

Robertson, Charles. A Living Heritage: St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Milledgeville Ga 1841-1907

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2004