This page is dedicated to Cooper's area residents and past residents who have recently passed away.

2017: JAN: Joanne Avery/FEB: Robert Cline Wood; Gladys Hall Wood/MAR: Charlie D. Finch, Jr.; Johnny Clyde "J.C." Thomas.
APR; Jerry Ronald Futch, Sr. ; Paul Eady; Sara Lily Wood Cathy Reynolds /JUL: Barbara Cohen Martin/AUG:Rollin West Ivey;
SEPT: Loretta Ann Prevatt Meeks/OCT: Thelma Hogan; NOV: Cathy Butts; Mary Joyce Boyle/DEC: Mary Hawthorne West 

2018: JAN: Willie Reynolds, Jr,; MAR:Betty Jane Lloyd; Louise Wilkinson Evans; APR: Myrtis Bryant Hall; JUNE: Patricia Williams
 JULY: Erma "Betty" Herringdine Ethridge; AUG: Laurie Brookins Farmer Calvert; Delores  Coulter SEP: Barbara McCant Spires; Sibley Weaver


Coopers, Ga.
aka Cooperville
"The village of Coopers developed about the time the Central of Georgia Railroad laid its spur line from Gordon to Eatonton in 1851. It got its name from a family who owned land in the vicinity of railroad crossing, Rev. William M. Cooper and his son. Thomas J. Cooper Coopers Memoirs

Some Early Families of Coopers area: Ready, Stinson, Knight, Woolsey, Hall, Poindexter, Murphy, Hill, Etheridge, Woodall, Ivey, Cobb, West, Ivey, McMullen, Welch, Everitt, Curry, McKiney, Fuller, Conly, Perry, Cone, Young, McCarty, Hubbard, Seaborn, Bivins, Rice, Edge, Sullivan, Torrance, Parker, Smith, Beckwith, Callahan, Huson, Lee, Lester, Worsham, Lewis, Minter, McCrary, Perry, Brown, Bowers, Welch, Cumbess, Woolsey, Stevens, Macklin, Gay, Moore, Wicker, Hill,  and Cooper.

Index from "Coopers Memories"

Cooperville School

Cemeteries In The Area                     1956 Topo. Map

See article from The Macon Telegraph about the Twin Cities Coopers and Stevens Pottery

Photograph of man and child seeding cotton, Coopers,  ca. 1920-1939
Can you identify these people? Email Me.

James Iverson Etheridge House about 1945

Coopers Museum
Photo by Eileen Babb McAdams

Camp Creek Primitive Baptist Church, est. 1817
Rev. William M. Cooper was pastor here.
Photo by Eileen Babb McAdams

Thomas J. Cooper House c. 1900
 Effie Cooper, daughter of Thomas J. Cooper was a ticket agent for Central of Ga. R.R.
and sold tickets from a window of house.
Photo by Eileen Babb McAdams

Catherine Cooper Branan Carpenter House c. 1883
Birthplace of Judge and Milledgeville Mayor George Carpenter Sr.
Photo by Eileen Babb McAdams

Merrit Etheridge-Robinson-Berry-Babb House circa 1865
Photo by Eileen Babb McAdams

Cooperville Cemetery, behind church
Photo by Eileen Babb McAdams

Cooperville Baptist Church, established 1904
1st wooden church destroyed by lightening in 1930, this building replaced it 90 days later.
Photo by Eileen Babb McAdams

Rollin W. Ivey Store
built early 1900's, closed 1957, demolished June 2004
Previous owners J. C. Cooper, Charles H. Cooper, J. H. Gladin
Photo by Eileen Babb McAdams 2003

 Cooper- Ivey - Betha Home built 1905
Photo by Eileen Babb McAdams

 Ivey - Barnes- Foldendore Home
built 1917
Photo by Eileen Babb McAdams

Old Fleming Pierce Store (1930) and Pierce Home (1917), Gordon Hwy.
Photo by Eileen Babb McAdams

Abandoned Farm House On Pancras Road next to Torrance House
Photo by Eileen Babb McAdams

Joseph Stillman Etheridge - Prosser house on Gordon Hwy. Built in 1860's.

Old Ivey house on Grace Weaver Rd. Built 1842
Photo by Eileen Babb McAdams June 9, 2006

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2002