Milledgeville-Baldwin County, Ga.
In The News 1794-1839

April 19, 1794
Augusta Chronicle
On the first Tuesday in May next, at the plantation whereon Col. William Moore now lives, by consent of parties,
The following property, viz.
Six hundred and forty acres of land on Rocky creek, adjoining lands of Richard Davis and others.
600 acres on Little river, joining Meshack Turner's land.
2000 aces in Hancock, on Fulsom's creek, joining lands of Flournoy's.
Also, 200 acres, adjoining land of Benjamin Boorums.
Likewise, a number of negroes, and other property such as household furniture and stock; taken under execution as the property of Colonel William Moore. Conditions CASH.
March 27, 1794.

December 6, 1794
Augusta Chronicle
On the 16th day of December next, at the courthouse in Greene county, between the hours of 10 and 12 o'clock
The following tracts of land:
287 1-2 acres lying in Hancock county, on Rocky creek, joining lands of Jesse Sandford and others; taken under execution to satisfy the taxes of Michael Murphey, for the year 1792, amounting to 8/7 102.
David Adams, T.C.
Nov. 15, 1794
Note: this became Baldwin County in 1807

March 26, 1796
Augusta Chronicle
To be sold, a double bounty of good land, on Defferon's Creek, Hancock County, near Fort Fidius.
(Note: This was advertised at 575 acres on Durresseau's creek, near Candler's Shoal and Fort Fidius, on the Oconee in 1784. This land became part of Baldwin County in 1807)

March 15, 1800
the Augusta Chronicle
From near Montpelier on the Oconee River, about the first of this month, a NEGRO MAN   named GREENE, a well made fellow about 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high, 28 or 30 years old, a black complexion, had on a homespun coat and tagged negroe cloth wraplets died yellow; appeared to be aiming for Maryland, and may attempt to get aboard some boat at Augusta or vessel at Savannah, to get there by water. Any person who will deliver him to the subscriber or secure him in jail so he may be got, shall be generously rewarded. JOHN GOLSON.
Feb. 19, 1800
(Note: Montpelier became part of Baldwin County in 1807)


October 18, 1802
Augusta Chronicle
Returns From the Late General Elections. State Legislature - Baldwin: Whatley, senator; Bond, representative

November, 1802
the Augusta Chronicle
On the first Tuesday in December next, at the court house in Hancock county, at the usual hours,
Three hundred acres of land, more or less, wherein lives John Humphries, adjoining A. Smith; two hundred acres land, more or less, adjoining the aforesaid lands on Town Creek, whereon lived Mr. Harbert; executed as the property of said John Humphries, in favor of Thomas Barrett & Co.
  One hundred acres of land, more or less, whereon lives Moses Marshall, on Rockey creek, adjoining Fruney,  executed as the property of said Marshall in favor of James Scarlett.
    Sixty acres of land, more or less, whereon lives Elijah Hearn, adjoining Choyce, one bay horse; executed as the property of said Hearn, in favor of William Grigg.
  A parcel of corn and fodder and sever acres of cotton; levied on as the property of Benjamin Bolt, in favor of Jonathan Thomas. Terms Cash.
October 25


August 23, 1806
Farmer's Gazette
 Baldwin Superior Court - In the County of Baldwin, the Superior Court was held, on Monday the 11th August, 1806, present his Honor JUDGE TAIT. The Inferior Court and re respective officers thereof had previously so
arranged affairs that grand and pettit juries were called & sworn. After the Grand Jury had chose their foreman, Mr. Napier, the Judge delivered them a very important pressive and appropriate charge, adapted to their duties as Jurors and the peculiar situation of their County. The business of the Court was on the criminal side of its jurisdiction - in the course of the session six persons were indicted for capital crimes. The two first, J. W. Stephens and J. Stephens, for the murder of their brother were found guilty of manslaughter, and immediately burnt in the hand. Isaac Munroe, Robert Casey and Barney Pare, were found guilty of the murder of Capt. Rogers, late of Hancock county, but were recommended to mercy. The sentence of the Court is, that they will be hanged at Hillsborough, on the 26th inst. between the hours of 10 and 3 o'clock. Edward Sutton was indicted for horse stealing under the act which makes it felony with benefit of clergy- But the taking was not absolutely proven on trial, and the Solicitor General entered a Noli Proscqui & Sutton was remanded for Horse killing. It was observed that the people of Baldwin appeared respectable, observing great decorum and respect to the laws of their country-and that there was not during the week a single riot or fight, or the voice of the Sheriff heard, calling to order!!! A SPECTATOR. August 17th, 1806.

November 15, 1806
South Carolina State Gazette
Extract of a letter from a gentleman residing at Milledgeville, to his friend in this city, dated 23d October, 1806.
   "A duel was fought a few days since, by Lieutenants Foster and Arneistead, near Fort Wilkinson, in which the latter was dangerously wounded. The ball passed under both shoulder blades. -Cause not known."

May 17, 1807
Augusta Chronicle
THAT nine months from the date hereof, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Columbia county, for an order to sell the following tracts of land, (to wit)
  300 acres of land on the waters of Uchee creek, bounded by Thomas Cumming and Jesse Winfrey.
ALSO, 202 1/2 acres of land in Baldwin county, the same being a part of the said estate of William Barnett deceased, and sold for the benefit of the executors of the said deceased.
R. CRAWFORD, adm'r
May 16

July 4, 1807
Augusta Chronicle
The murderers of Mr. Peyton T. Smith (of Baldwin County) are discovered, which prove to be two negroes, one of which belonged to Mr. Smith.  They were apprehended on the 5th of this month, and on the 19th carried to the gallows and there executed to the no small satisfaction of an immense congregation which was present.
Georgia Observer

August 22, 1807
Augusta Chronicle
Louisville Aug. 10

~excerpt~Baldwin- George Hill, David Kelly, Elijah Lambirth, Zachariah Orail, William Skinner, James Allison, Joseph Dicken, Mileds Ginnirge, John L. Gorden, Ephraim Gordon, Raleigh Holt, Joseph Hughey, Nathaniel Lanair's orphans, James Parrott, Hudson Rose, Henry Williamson, John Brooks, Philip Clements, Robert Foyl, Britten Gardy, John Hendey, enj. Hill(R. creek) John Jones, Benj. Jones, Edmund Lane, Thomas Lee

September 12, 1807
Augusta Chronicle
~exercept~Baldwin- Betsey Smith, James Prowit, Benjamin Barnes's orphans, William Hicks, Mailer Huertt,  William Sprading, John Pryor (orphan,) Sylvania Walker, Elizabeth Howell (widow,) Edward Carlisle, James Howard,  James Suddard, Samuel M. Mordici. Rhody Heath (widow,) James Lyoon, Betsey Turner, William Faver, Sr., (Glady creek,) Joel Heath, Thomas Grubbs, Henry Carr, Arittarchus Wood, Georgia Lumpkin, David Smith's orphans, James Sprading, Willis Williams, Mary f??? (widow), Jeremiah Thrower, Garland Hardwick, Robert Nixon, James Greene Sr., John Combs, Hiram Sharp (orphan), ?? Wood (orphans) Thomas Burnsides, Wm. Tasor Jr. (Glady  creek) William Wilson, Ransom Mitchell, Robert Barrron, James Hooks, Sally White, Joshua Grayham, Samuel Jones, Edward Cox, William Glads, Keziah Beard, Jonathan Thomas, William Kelly, John Echols, Thomas Stephens (captain,) Henry Rowel, Randal Ramsey, Stephen Willson,, Daniel Lewis, Stephen Mathew's orphans, Joseph Cowen (Tobler's creek,) James Akin, James Parnell, William Read, James Warner, Michael Inglot, Samuel Stokes, Benjamin Chapman, Thoms Carder, Aaron Jones, Henry Jourdon, Miles? Harris.

October 10, 1807
Augusta Chronicle
 September 4.
~excerpt~Baldwin- John P. Dwight,John Means, Wm. Browing, Mathew Hawkins, Able Hagerty, wm. Galasper, John Whitehead, Evan Jones, Shadrick Goodwin, Geo. Renfroe, Greenberry Cook, Aber Cotton, ward Darnell's orphans, Peggy Lang, Jeremiah Smith, John Parker, James Howell orphan, Thomas Mullens, Daniel Jackson, Andrew Russle, Allen Davis, John Wyatt, P??? Phillips, Thomas Rasberry, Wm. Lambirth, Thomas Tillery, Micajah Harris, Daniel tucker, Greenberry Cook, Precilla Jinnins, widow, Wm. Edwards, Jacob Sansom, Frederick Anderson, wm. T. Cain, John Breedlove, Jinney Hervey, John Willson, John Carrell, Arthur Reding, Alfey Sanders, Wm. Gloss, Thomas taylor, ??.McCloud, Stephen Daniel, Daniel Tucker, James Brumfield, Josiah Durden, Robert Backanon; Thomas H. Langham, Hiram Moore, Wm. Maycock's orphs., James McMichael orp, Wright Daniel, Phebe Viines (widow), Joseph Wall, Taomas Wood's prjs, Wm. Sharp, elizabeth Baker, John Bradley's orphs, Elijah Gibson, Joseph Smith, Abel James, Etheldred Willis, Reubin Medows, Heky Walker, Levina Williams, Daniel Parnell, Elij. Anglin, Richard Fretwell, Drury aAlen, David Reddock. Isaac Clowers, Thomas Johnson, Caleb Oliver, Joel Langham, Jam's Wyatt, Wm. Smith (Eat. first), Robert McNeeley, Valentine Brasswell, John willson, Wylie Hutchins, Etheldred Willis, Arthur Crocker, John Burt, Bailey Robertson, Teubin Wilkinson's orphs, David Bazemorn, James Kendrick, Wm. Pittman, Amos Shaw, Jos. Smith, George Morgan, W. R. Reddock, Richard Scott, Nanthan Bridges, Drury Jackson, Joel Heart, Edward Traylor, Isaac Kindal, Jesse Lassater, Wm. Waller, Francis Spann, John Jacob, William Carter, James M'Carroll, Elijah Angling, Caleb Touchstone, Lucy Trayler (widow) Bestey Hynote, Littleton Seale, Salley Housley, Asa ???, eum, Tho's Rockmore, David Jones, Drury Mimms, John Waller, Wm. Sharp, John  Dyar, Timothy Duck, Wm. Simpson, John Roberts, Polly Barron, Asa Coxe's orphans, James Lyon, Enoch Lunsford, Stephen Lacy, Peter M'Farland, Rob't Sharp, Jesse evans, Vincent Haralson, Wm. Robinson (Crusoe,) Tho's H. Sharp, Edward Hagan's orphans, John Angling Sr., Henry Morris, John Moore, James Miller, John Cotton, Benj. Ready, Geo. Renfro, Benj. Rich'd Fretwell, Job Spring Sr., Wm. Brown, Sam'l Moore's orphans, James Smith, Wm. Swift, David Wood, David Penkerton, Alx. Dunn, Tho's Wynn, Rich'd Clark, Henry Townsend, Arch's Dansom, Rich'd & Rebecca Heah orhs, Eliza Rockmore, Wm. Fitzpatrick, Sarah Beassel widow, Geo. Crosby, David Edmunds, Benjamin Hearn, James Cunningham, Wm. Gunn's orphas, Wm. Smith, Geo. Harris, John M'Allister, Frederick Tarver.

October 10, 1807
Augusta Chronicle
FOR SALE. A Tract of Land. In Hancock county containing three hundred and thirty acres well improved and well-known as a public house, lying on the road leading from Sparta to Montpelier, and four miles from Milledgeville, also, can be sold with the place if wanted two stills and tubs sufficient to carry on Distilling business, two leather beds, & furniture complete, number of Bee-hives, and other things useful to the place, Terms will be made known by applying on the premises to WILLIAMS BIVINS. September 19.

October 31, 1807e
Augusta Chronicle
 September 21, 1807
~excerpt~Baldwin-Andrew Townsen, Reuben Lockhart, Jonathatn Molly, Tho's Hooks; Josiah Gates, Weldon Owsley, Margarett Strength, wm. P. Davis, Rob't, Strickland, Robert Morrow, John Saxon, Abram Smith, Gilly Wooten, Aaron Burlison; Frances Flournoy, Joseph Newton, Samuel Cox, Ranson Cooper, Wm. Hudmant, John Yarborough, Colvin Whittington,, Evan Harvy, Wm. Pass, Garner Eubanks, John Traylor's orphan, Robert Nixon jr., John Taylor, Isaac William's orphans, Precilla Mullins, John Smith, Wm. Cram, Archibald M. Devereaux. John Hudman, Jacob Parker, Vaughan Scott, John H. Whatley, Winney Morris, Cyrus Parnell. Em. Arington, Hartwell More, Jacob Turkenett, Thomas Usrey, Mathew Young's orphans, Wm. Braynt Rob't Butler, Wm. Arnold, Hartwell Moore, Michael C. Hunt, Stephen Arnold, John Sarnelly, Nathan Clarke, Eli Toole, Henry Jones, Lewis May, Lige Ready, James Simmons, Samuel Sinqufield Jun'r.

November 7, 1807
Augusta Chronicle
 September 23, 1807
Baldwin-Ambrose Edwards, John Waggoner, John Dismukes, William Neson, Leonard Abercrombie, Nancy Springer, Jesse Cody, Wm. Sanson, Edward Lilles, George Williams, Joseph Bridges, Thomas Lowe, John Joiner, James S. Howard, Thomas Rigdon, Pinkithican Harvy, Hubbard Dlass, Wm. Digby, Fodeth FReid, Hugh Davis, James Ryle, Jesse Hunter, Benj. Trice, John Tompson, John Brinkley, Andrew Rassel, Edmond Tamplin, Henry Tillery, Gabriel Colly, Benj, Hunt.

December 19, 1807
Augusta Chronicle
Negro Intelligence. In Wilkes Jail PETER, and says he belongs to Lewis May, in Baldwin county.

January 6, 1808
The Courier
Domestic News. Georgia, Augusta, Dec 3
    Within twenty or thirty days past, there have been we believe more deaths in this place and the neigborhood of it, than have happened for twelve months preceding, the prevailing complaints have been,  the Influenza and Pleurisy. At present disorders have greatly subsided in the place, but in many parts of the county, we are told that the Influenza is making  serious progress. At Milledgeville we learn that this or some other inflammatory complaint has has very generally prevailed, and that the indisposition of the members of the Legislature had, some days, prevented the body from forming a house, two members, Mr. Jones Senator from Wayne and Mr. Draine Representative from Columbia, have died. As far as has come within our knowledge or observation, the Influenza has generally become server with persons somewhat advance in life-nor have we heard of instances, in which it has proved fatal to children.

March 12, 1808
Augusta Chronicle
On the first Tuesday in April, next at the Court-house in the town of Waynesboro, Burke County, between the usual hours,
WILL BE SOLD 2021/2 acres of land in Baldwin County, in the 14th District No. 279, taken as the property of ThomasLewis, to satisfy sundry executions, and returned to me as a constable
March 6

May 21, 1808
the Augusta Chronicle
On the 16th day of July next, at Columbia Court-house the following tracts of land, or as much thereof that will satisfy the taxes and costs,
In Apt. Whitcomb's District
Alfo, 202 1/2 acres of land in Baldwin County (?) District No. 29, the property of James Odum, tax due 69 1/4 cents.


January 28, 1809
The Columbian Phenix
DIED. In Milledgeville, Geo.. in the 17th year of her age, Miss Louisa Olmstead, daughter of Mr. Roger Olmstead, formerly an innkeeper in this town.

November 4, 1809
Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel
Names of person elected to serve in the ensuing General Assembly  of this state
Baldwin - Senator - Owens; Rep. - Holt

November 11, 1809
Georgia Journal
   Married on Saturday evening, by A. M. Decereux, Esq. Mr. SAMUEL M. MORDECAI, Auctioneer, to Miss CAROLINE LOUISA WESTERMYER, daughter of Mr. Andrew Westermyer, Gold Smith, formerly of Charleston, S.C.

December 09, 1809
Augusta Chronicle
(Grand Jurors, Baldwin county). James Barrow, Foreman, pro tem, Arthur Dannelly, Wm. Trippe, Sterling Bass, Henry Darnell, Benjamin Howard, Ben Tarver,
Thomas Dent, John Myrick, John Ragan, Z. Lamar, R.O. Scurry, John G. Gallman, James Brown, Griffin Smith, A. M'Millan, Evans Long, Jett Thomas. Jacob Gum (Gumm), Wm. Wiggens.

December 12, 1809
Georgia Journal
Died in this place yesterday evening, after a short illness, Maj. HAMMEL, of Augusta, attorney at Law, in the 56th year of his age.

December 23, 1809
Augusta Chronicle
DIED, at Milledgeville, on Monday the 11th inst. JOHN HAMILL, Esquire, Attorney at Law, of this city. Those who knew Mr. Hamill best, were best acquainted with his worth: the writer of this article was intimate with him for the last eighteen years, and knew him to be a man of nice honor, strict integrity, and a truly honest man. His funeral  was attended by the Governor and State Officers, the members of the Senate and House of Representatives, the Masonic brethren of Milledgeville, and Capt. Rowe's Volunteer Company of Infantry...Mr. Hamill was a native of Coletrain in the Kingdom of Ireland, and for the last twenty years a citizen of this state.
  The Bar of the Middle Circuit, in testimony of their respect for the deceased have Resolved to wear crape for thirty days.


January 30, 1810
Georgia Journal
Died, on Sunday morning last after a lingering illness, Mrs. Sarah Devereux, consort of J. W. Devereux, Esquire of this place.

January 30, 1810
Georgia Argus
~excerpt~ DIED, on Wednesday evening, Mr. MEADE BOZEMAN, about 64 years of age. He had been long afflicted.

February 13, 1810
Georgia Journal
  Married, on Thursday the 1st instant, Mr. James Rousseau, of this place, to amiable Miss Lavenia Few, daughter of Ignatius Few, Esq., of Columbia County.
  Departed this life on Thursday the 1st inst. Mrs. Margaret Twining of this place, after a lingering and painful illness.

February 21, 1810
Georgia Argus
MARRIED - on Wednesday the 21st inft. by A. M. Devereux, Esq. Mr. ROBERT HILL, Merchant of this place, to the amiable Miss LUCY WILKINSON, of this county.

October 3, 1810
Georgia Argus
DIED in this place on the 16th ult. LEWIS PITTS, a youth of amiable manners and upright deportment. Snatched by an untimely death from doting parents and the expecation of his acquaintance, at a time when his rapid progress in classicial Literature had excited the most flattering prospects of future usefulness.

October 3, 1810
Georgia Argus
DEATHS. On the 19th ult., after a short illness, MAJ. THOMAS G. COLLIER, a native of Connecticut. He has left a wife & Two tender children to lament their irreparable lost. By strangers honor'd and by strangers mourn'd.

October 3, 1810
Georgia Argus
~excerpt~ DEATHS. On the 16th ult. of a short but violent fever, WILLIAM GREENE, aged 19 years 5 months and 7 days

October 31, 1810
Georgia Argus
DIED, on Monday last, Mrs. Nancy Selah, wife of Mr. Wm. W, Selah, printer, of this place.

October 31, 1810
Georgia Argus
MARRIED, on Thursday evening by the Rev. Myles Greene, Mr. RICHARDSON O. SCURRY, to Miss CATHERINE J. GOUGH.

December 4, 1810
Republican Star
 It is only four years since the town of Milledgeville, Georgia, was first settled. The following is its population, according to the late census: 132 families - Whites, 665, Blacks, 622. Total 1287

October 11, 1811
Connecticut Mirror
 At the Superior Court of Baldwin, County, which sat at Milledgeville last week, a Mrs. Palmer, who seems to have been rather glib of the tongue, was indicted, tried, convicted-and in pursuance of the sentence of the court was punished by being publicly ducked in the Oconee for - Scolding. This is we believe the first instance of the kind that ever occurred in the state, and numerous spectators attended the execution of the sentence. Whether the rights of scolding will be considered as infringed in this case-or whether the "unruly member which no man can tame, " will be bound by it to its future good behavior, cannot now be known-for the benefit of those particularly interested, we should like to see the case ably reported. - Augusta Herald..

January 15, 1812
Rhode Island Republican
Georgia, Milledgeville December  19 Earthquakes
On Sunday night last, about half past 2 o'clock, a violent shock of an Earthquake was felt in this place and the neighborhood, which lasted several minutes. So strong was the concussion, that the citizens were generally awakened, and thrown into the utmost consternation. Houses were violently agitated, doors thrown open, and, in some instances, furniture removed. The first shock was succeeded by a light tremulous motion, which continued two or three minutes. The horizon was overcast with clouds, and there was an awful stillness in the atmosphere. At 7 o'clock in the morning, we experienced a second shock, scarcely less violent than the first, a third at 10 o'clock, and  a fourth yesterday about mid-day; besides a number of slight ones. The State-house shook considerably, the bell attached to the clock struck from the force of the concussion, and those within the building fled with trepledtion. When we recollect that the dreadful Earthquake which destroyed Lisbon in 1755, was felt not only throughout Europe but on the American continent, we are at a loss to conjecture at what distance from us may be the devoted spot that was probably overwhelmed by these awful phenomena.

April 28, 1812
Georgia Journal
Died on Thursday last, Mr. Jonathan Thomas a respectable and worthy citizen of this county.

October 7, 1812
Georgia Journal
DIED, on Saturday the 2nd inft., Mrs. Elizabeth Darnell, aged about 43 years, wife of Mr. Henry Darnell of this place.

October 21, 1812
Georgia Journal
Communicated. Died, on Thursday the 15th instant, Mrs. LUCY LONG, consort of EVANS LONG, Esq'r. of Baldwin county. She filled the walks of life with decency, honor and piety - in the duties of wife, mother and neighbor, she was equaled by few, excelled by none. For many years she was a professor of religion, and died in the full assurance of future happiness.

~excerpt~ Died, on Thursday the 15th instant...On the same day, Lucius Ayers Buffington, only child of Mr. Samuel Buffington of this place....

    On Monday last, Master John M. Slaughter, youngest son of Mr. John Slaughter, Merchant of this place.3

November 13, 1812
City Gazette
Milledgeville (Geo.) Nov. 4
  A detailed account of the Florida expedition has been received at the Executive Office from Col. Newnan. As yet we have not been able to procure it for publication.
  From lieut. Fannin, of the Baldwin volunteers, who arrived in town a few days ago, we learn the following particulars: - That an action was fought on the 27th of September, near the Aulotcheeway towns, which, including the skirmishing of the flanks, lasted two hours and a half. We had one man killed and nine wounded. The loss of the enemy was supposed to have been considerable. Paine, their king, is believed to have been among the killed. A short interval ensued, when the Indians, having received a considerable reinforcement, renewed the attack, but were soon driven back. After fighting and fasting the whole day, or men were forced to work all night, for the purpose of throwing up a breast work to shield them from danger. In this situation the detachment remained seven or eight days, when they were reduced to the necessity of killing and eating one of their horses, for want of provisions. - Being unable longer to maintain their ground, a retreat was ordered. They had not advanced far before they were attacked by a small ambushing party, which was put to flight upon being charged. Thus ended the expedition.
  The loss of the Indians in all the engagements is estimated at about fifty. Ours is 8 killed and 14 wounded. Their names we subjoin.
  Killed - Thomas A. Eppes, Henry Franklin, (both of Milledgeville, ) and Arthur C. Greene, of capt. Fort's company; Henry Carter, of Lieut. Cone's company; __Harris, col. Newman's boy, a Spaniard, and a soldier whose name is not remembered.
  Wounded - Capt. Humphries, Walter J. Newton, John Pope, William Rhodes and James W. Runnels, of capt. Humphries' company; Ensign Reuben Mann, Robert Neil, Lancelot Davis, T. Lawson, Charles Lockhart, Edward Pilcher, T. Russan and Eli Sculock, of capt. Coleman's company; Elijah Betsel, of capt. Cone's company.
  Col. Newman, it is said, acted throughout with the greatest coolness and bravery, and is slightly wounded in the arm.

November 25, 1812
Georgia Journal
Georgia, Randoph county.
   To all the good people of this State, know ye, that whereas on the thirty-first day of May, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and nine, that I
Nancy Chapman, of the county of Baldwin, was unlawfully taken in and married to one Charles Lanos, of the county of Clark, contrary to the laws of this State, as well as the law of God, by reason of the said Lanos having been lawfully intermarried to a certain Jane Booth, previously to his intermarriage with me, which I am to make clearly appear from the records of the county of Jackson, as well as from under his own hand, acknowledging the solemnization of a marriage contract with the said Jane, in consequence of which I do disannul the said unlawful marriage, and consider myself free from the villainous imposture.
  Given from under my hand this 1st day of October, 1812. Nancy Chapman. N. B. I have documents in my possession to prove to the satisfaction of the world all that I have stated. November 14.


March 26, 1813
Augusta Chronicle
from the subscriber some time in October 1811, a negro man named John, of a light complexion, he is well known in this county, and from the circumstance of his having a wife on Gen. Walker's Plantation, I am induced to think he is harbored in that neighborhood or the swamp adjacent. A reward of Thirty Dollars will be paid on his delivery to me in Baldwin county, or Twenty Dollars for lodging him in Richmond Jail.
March 19.

April 17, 1813
Poulson's American Daily Advertiser
Fatal Accident
Milledgeville, Georgia, March 31
  On Sunday last three young men of this place were struck by lightning; two of them were killed on the spot and the third greatly injured.- The following statement of the circumstances attending this unfortunate catastrophe was furnished by a friend, whose situate afforded him every opportunity to give a correct relation of facts.
  On Sunday afternoon, three young men, two of them apprentices to a Mr. Holt, Messrs. Roach and Gray, and MrBuckannon, bar-keeper to Mr. Buffington, were  caught in a thunder storm at the fish trap below the mouth of Fishing Creek, and took shelter at the root of a large tree-while waiting in apparent security for the cloud to pass by, the tree was struck by lightning, and the electric fluid descending upon the unfortunate young me, killed Messrs. Gray and Buckannon, and did great violence to Mr. Roach; Gray's hat was torn to pieces, his eyebrows and hair greatly singed, and his coat much torn, -He and Buckannon were thrown off fully extended, several feet from the tree, with marks of considerable violence on their heads and bodies. Hit seems that the electric fluid only descended to the hips of the two who were killed and from thence was carried to Roach, for he was only affected in his lower extremities; His left thigh was a good deal injured, but not so much as his right thigh, leg and foot-His pantaloons were torn to pieces, in the fore part, and the marks of violence correspond to the rent of them, his right shoe was much torn and his foot wounded, probably from the violent effort of the fluid to escape and the re-action of the shoe upon the foot when torn.
  When assistance arrived there was no symptom of life in Messrs. Gray or Buckannon. Mr. Roach had  violent pains for many hours in his thighs and legs. In the pocket of Mr. Buckannon were three pieces of money, each of which was slightly fused. A number of buttons were knocked off from their clothes.

September 5, 1813
Adams Centinel (Gettysburg, Pa.)
Indian Expedition
Milledgeville, August 23
     For the last 4 or 5 days, we have had a constant succession of military movements.
    On Friday last, 2 companies marched from this county for the Indians frontier. The quota of United States militia from Baldwin, under Capt. Cox; the Baldwin Artillery, under Capt. Thomas; and the Volunteer Infantry, under Capt. Howard, all in good health and spirit anxious to avenge savage wrongs upon their guilty authors. On Saturday, the Baldwin Troop of Horse under Capt. Steele, took up the line of march. On Sunday Capt. Hamilton's Troop from Hancock, passed through this place. We venture to say a finer Troop has not marched from the state on any expedition. On Monday, Capt. Varner's troop of Horse from Putnam, and Capt. Barton's Volunteer Infantry from Augusta, passed this place. On Tuesday, Capt. Irvin's Cavalry from Washington - making in all between 6 and 700 men.
     Gen. Stewart has, we understand, declined accepting the command of the expedition against the Indians; and an express has been sent to Gen. Floyd of Camden, the next senior brigadier, tendering him the command. It is expected & hoped that Gen. Floyd will accept, as he is every way calculated to do honor to the command.
    We are informed from respectable authority, that a detachment of the hostile Indians some days since, having determined to come in and kill Mr. Boothe of Jones county, set out in pursuance of their design; when they were overtaken by a party of the friendly Indians, who killed 4 and repulsed them.
    The express sent to the Governor of Tennessee, returned on Monday last, and brought letters to the Governor, dated the 13th inst. Gov. Blount does not consider the letter of the Secretary at War as a requisition on him to furnish men to go against the Creeks; but as evincive of a determination on the part of the government to punish the hostile Indians-and thinks 5000 instead of 1500 would be necessary to effect that object, and that number could as easily be obtained as 1500, but is disposed to wait for future orders. Governor Blount thinks if a junction is formed between the Georgia and Tennessee Troops, that the Falls of Coosa will be the proper place, and that a junction or grand rendezvous should be formed at or near the Hickory Ground.

October 13, 1813
Baltimore Patriot, and Evening Advertiser
 On Thursday last, Thaddeus Holt was shot through the body, (supposed with a rifle bull) which entered below the breast bone and came out just under the right shoulder blade. He received the wound in Oconee Swamp on the way to his lower plantation by John Jones, (Whiskey.) It is worthy of remark, that early in Col. Holt's life, he fought a man, both armed with knives, in which affair both were badly cut to pieces. In Kentucky, in a duel, he wounded through the leg; and directly after in many Indian skirmishes. Afterwards he was shot through the neck; and in the year '95 had his mouth shot to pieces in a duel-all of which he survived, and lives to agonize his present wound, from which it is probable he will recover, being the 4th day since it was received.

January 26, 1814
Georgia Journal
Departed this life on the 13th inst. half past 6 o'cock in the evening, Mrs. Nancy Barrow, the amiable consort of James Barrow, Esq. of Baldwin county.

June 1, 1814
Georgia Argus
  The OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS  from Baldwin county, who were engaged in the late expedition under Gen. Floyd, against the Creek Indians, are respectively invited to a DINNER, to be given in Milledeville on Saturday the 11 of June, by their FELLOW-CITIZENS.
  The Dinner will be prepared at Jarratt's Spring, by Mr. David Martin of this place, and will be on the table at 1 o'clock, P.M. May 23.

June 14, 1814
Augusta Chronicle
JONATHAN M. JACKSON,  a private soldier of the 3d regiment, U, States infantry, deserted this post on the 6 inst. - he was born in Mecklinburg county, Virginia, but has resided many years in the uppers parts of this state as a School-teacher, particularly in Oglethorpe county and in Milledgeville-he is twenty-five years of age, five feet 9 or 10 inches high, light complexion, light eyes and sandy hair, and was enlisted in Milledgeville by lieut. Everett.
JOHN BUTLER, deserted from the rendezvous of Lieut. Bailey at Greennsborough, on  6th of Dec's last, he is 19 years of age, five feet 7½ high, fair complexion, black eyes, dark hair, and by profession a Farmer, was born in Abbeville district, S.Carolina
THOMAS DIAL, alias Thomas Jones deserted from this post the last of December last, whilst on furlough-he is 20 years old, 5 feet 8 inches high, dark hair, blue eyes, light complexion, was enlisted in Abbeville district by Lieut. Edward Holloway. Whoever will deliver the above described deserters at this post, lodge them in any jail in the U.S. or deliver them to any military officer in the U. States' service, shall be entitled to a reward of Ten dollars for each of them, and all reasonable expenses.
Wm. JONES, Capt.
8th U.States Infantry Commanding, Bath, Feb 26th, 1813
Feb. 25

August 23, 1814
New-Hampshire Gazette
In Milledgeville, Geo. Dr. John Taliferro, aged eighty-two, to Mrs. Lydia Howard, aged seventy five.

September 28, 1814
Georgia Journal
DIED in this county yesterday morning, after a short but severe illness,Doctor Bromfield R. Burton, formerly of North Carolina.

October 5, 1814
Georgia Journal
Grand Jurors: Zachariah Lamar, Foreman; F. Jeter; Elisha Wood; Smith Scogin; H. Johnson; William Sanford; William Ball; William Johnston; C. Murphy; Robert Wynn; John Evans; John Dennis; Wm. F. Peebles; Jas. Lester, Sen'r; James Irwin; John Sneed; James Stanford; Benj. Taliaferro; H. Reynolds; F. Smith; Sterling Evans; Thomas H. Kenan, Clk.

October 5, 1814
Georgia Journal
Interesting to Purchasers. Agreeable to the directions of the last will and testament of Col. Thadeus Holt, deceased, nine tracts of Land belonging to the estate of said dec'd will be offered for sale at the Market House in Milledgeville, on Wednesday the 16th of November next; to viz:
    2,000 acres of pine land, lying on town creek, eight miles from Milledgeville, on the public road leading from that place by Sandersville and Louisville to Savannah. On this large and abundantly timbered tract there is now in operation, at one of the most eligible mill seats in the state, a saw and grist mill, which with some repairs and proper attention would be equal in annual value to an mills on the waters of the Oconee. The stream affords at all seasons of the year an ample supply of water and the mills are within a short distance of the Oconee river, whence rafting to the sea coast is easy and cheap.
   Also, one tract of 200 acres second quality upland, lying in the county of Hancock.
  Also seven other tracts, consisting of squares of 202 1-2 acres each and fractions of a smaller size. These lands are considered by good judges to be of the first quality of Oconee bottoms, producing naturally a great quantity of the most valuable Oak timber and an abundance of the largest cane. Of these lands several tracts, are more or less cleared, the three upper fractions comprising about 200 acres, form the settlement called Fort Wilkinson, the late residence of Col. Holt. The mansion house is about two miles from Milledgeville is a handsome double story building and with the convenient out houses annexed to it is one of the most desirable situated one in the neighborhood.
  Also 12 Lots in the township of Montpelier, a high and beautiful mount, two miles east of Milledgeville.
  Terms of Sale - Payment to be made in equal annual installments, the purchaser giving notes with approved security and a mortgage on the premises bought. Possession will be immediately given and titles made good. Persons willing to examine the quality and situation of any of these lands may apply to the executors at Fort Wilkinson on the upper tractions. Mackiness Goode, Thadeus Goode Holt, Qualified Executors. September 5


January 31, 1815
Poulson's American Daily Advertiser
EARTHQUAKE. Milledgeville, (Georgia) Jan. 11. On Saturday last, a little before eleven o'clock, the shock of an Earthquake was distinctly felt in this place. It lasted only a few seconds, but was so severe as to create  a tremulous motion of objects and jarring of the windows. The state house bell struck repeatedly from the violence of the concussion.

July 26, 1815
Poulson's American Daily Advertiser
Milledgeville, Georgia, July 12. The Season. For some weeks the atomsphere has been uncommonly humid - it has rained, more or less, almost every day. The water courses are much swollen; it is believed the Oconee river has notbeen so high for several years. Most of the planters below, we regret to learn, have suffered considerably from the freshet - some have lost their entire crops. For the high lands, the season in every part of the state of an abundant crop of corn and cotton, was perhaps never more flattering.

August 30, 1815
Georgia Journal
  DIED in this place on Wednesday evening last, Mr. Ezekiel Ralston - a respectable and worthy citizen.
  DIED on Monday last at his plantation in this county Capt. Abner Fluellen, in the 55th year of his age. In the death of this man, society has lost an intelligent & worthy member. He was an officer of the revolution and fought at Guilford.

October 27, 1815
Federal Republican
 Charleston, Oct. 12. Noyal Nelms, convicted of passing Counterfeit Bills of the State Bank of this city, was executed in Milledgeville, Geo. on Friday the 29th ult. It is said, he acknowledged his guilt.

December 4, 1815
Boston Gazette
DEATHS. At Milledgeville, Mr. James F. Bonner


January 17, 1816
Georgia Argus
List of Letters remaning in the Post Office, Milledgeville, 1st Jan 1816
A.  David Adams, gen., Wiat Alford, Eliza Allen, Joseph Andrews, John Allen, E. M. Atoway, Wm. Akridge.
B.  James Blair 3, Jethro Barnes, James Berry, John Burt, Samuel Beal, James Blackman, James Barefield, George Bailie 4, Elizabeth Bugg, Samuel Beckam, Thomas Branan, E. & A. Beckam, Larkin Brown, James F. Bonner, Col. W. R. Boote, Daniel Brown 2, James Bynum, William Ballard, James Barkley
C.  Joel Crawford 3, Capt. Chas. Crawford, Hugh Carridge, Wm. Coon, Phineas Coyne, Wm. Clark, Esq., Samuel Cunningham, Benj. Cleveland, Elisha Cooplen, Josiah Chapman, Mr. Chauvin, Samuel Cayton, Geney Carter, John Carr, Thomas Coleman, Mary Carmichael
D.  Maj. Jas E. D-akins, Arthur Dannelly, Doc. E. S. Davis, Jesse Doles, Wm. Dowsing 2, Alex. Dillard & Co.
E.  John Euring, John Evans
F.   Robert Flournoy 5, Lemuel Freeman, Margaret Fares, Gillah Freeney 2, John Fitzgerald, A. B. Fanin, Elizabeth Forester, Lemuel Foote, Aaron Fagan,
G.  Frederick Greene, Martin Gray, Bird Gilbert, John B. Grantland, Kenworth Gordon, Grand Lodge of Geo., Robert Greer, Joseph Gee, Capt. Glascock, Miss S. Gorman, John Grady
H. William Howe, Mary Henderson, William Hill, Moses Harvey, A Hoquet, William Harris, Richard Hodges, And. H. Hamilton 2, Joseph Huddleton, David Hollingsworth, Major Harden, Jeremiah Harvey, Mark Howard, Miss. Ann Halson, William Hardwick, G. W. F. de la Huff, Thos. Hamilton, Doc., Daniel M. Hall
I. Inf. Court of Baldwin
Peter Jailett, Michael Jose, Overoff Jordan, Peter Inglesby, David Jamison, James Jackson, Hon. Wm. Johnson jr., William Iverson
K.  Alex. M. Ker, Miss. Liddy King
L.  Jacob Lindsey, Peter Lequeux, William Lord, Kinchen Little, John Lamar, Miss. Polly Little, Benjamin Leigh, James D Lester,
M.  Genl. John Moore, Thomas Moughen 2, William Murphey, James Marshall, Eliza M. Magnan, Charles Miller, J. N. M'Intosh 2, Wm. Marshall, Messrs. Melone & Foard, Charles Martin, Capt. Marbury, George Mifflin
N.  Col. Daniel Newnan, Hon. Joda Newsom
O.  John O Quin, Solomom Ogden
P.  George Parker. Widow of Littlebery Pattillo. Lovick Pierce 2, Col. John Pray, James Piles, David D. Peak,
R.  Rev. Arthur Redding, T. & E. Reid, James Rousseau, William Rabun, Monsieur Mentieru Reuas, James Rabb 2, Samuel Ridgdall, Enoch Richardson
S.  Thomas B. Stubbs, Hiram Storrs 2, Samuel Shannon, Smith Scoggin, Zachariah Sims, Christ. B. Strong, Fielding Strawn, Col. Francis Smith, George Simpson, Joseph Stovall, Wiley Shepherd
T.  Needham Terry, Richard Talliaferro, James C. Torendet
V.  Alexnder Vincent, Joshua Youngblood
W.  Eli Wheddon, Rev. Robert Wynn, James Wilson, Greene Wood, Mathew Wells, Capt. John Wood, William Weatherby, Freeman Walker, Doc. John Wingfield, Mason Williamson, Benjamin Williams, Capt. Wm. Walker
J. W. Devereux, P.M. Jan 10.

March 20, 1816
Milledgeville Republican
WILL, be given for HIDES, DEER, GOAT and SHEEP SKINS, and RED, BLACK and WHITE OAK BARK, at the Tan-Yard lately owned by William M'Gehe in Milledgeville.
March 18

INTENDING to leave the state for a short time, my Brother HENRY LOCKHART of Jones county, will attend to my business generally during my absence.
March 20

Will be offered for sale
To the highest bidder, at the late residence of Frederick Greene, late of Baldwin county, deceased, on Tuesday the 20th day of April next, the PERSONAL PROPERTY belonging to the estate of said dec'd, consisting of one Horse, Books, Hats, and a parcel of Tobacco. Terms of sale made known on the day. All person indebted to said estate, will please make immediate payment, and those having demands against the estate, will render them duly proven, in order for payment, within the time prescribed by law, to Robert G. Crittenden, Admr. March 20

March 27, 1816
The Reflector (Milledgeville)
Communicated. DIED, on Friday night the 13th inst. Mrs.SARAH AYRES, wife of Mr. Thomas Ayres of this county, in the 56th year of her age. She was a good companion and tender parent..Her loss is much regretted by all those who knew her.

Call in and be Refreshed
The undersigned have taken the EAGLE TAVERN, lately occupied by Maj Roberts, in the Town of Milledgeville, where they intend keeping a
House of Entertainment;
they pledge themselves that no pains shall be spared in supplying their House with the best of provisions, liquors, $c. that the country affords, and that the utmost attention shall be paid to man and horse, and their prices as reasonable as can be afforded, and solicit a part of the custom of a generous public.
John Jeter
Wm. Forsyth
Milledgeville Feb. 28

Henry Darnell,
Having lately returned to Milledgeville, respectfully informs his friends and the public in general that he has taken a room near the Journal Printing Office, where he intends carrying on the
Tayloring Business.
He flatters himself that he will be able to do justice to those who may favor him with their custom. As he has several good workmen employed, will have it in his power to execute his work in the most faithful manner at a short notice, and a low prices for cash.
March 20

April 17, 1816
Georgia Journal
  DIED on the 4th inst. Mr. William Wilson, aged 64 years, a respectable planter of this county.

May 13 1816
Boston Gazette
DEATHS. At Milledgeville, (Geo) Mr. Devereux Jarratt.

July 10, 1816
The Recorder
DEATHS.   In Milledgeville, (Georgia) on the 6th ult. James Wheelan, mechanic, a native of Delaware, in the strength and prime of life. The moment before his death, he display, in conversation and songs, all the sprightliness and gaiety of the greatest flow of spirits, and suddenly stopped dead at his work-bench. How loud does the instance of mortality call on us to  look well to a timely preparation for such and event, and enforce the divine precept, Prepare to meet thy God.

July 10, 1816
Georgia Journal
List of Letters Remaining in the Post-Office, Milledgeville, (Geo.) 1st July, 1816
A.- Harris Allen 2, Mat. Allen
B. - Hearn Butt, David Batson, Jesse Butt, James Berryhill 2, Samuel Beckom 2, James Broks, Samuel Beall, Samuel Buffingon, Uriah Brown, Thomas M. Berryen, Bensauel Bowers, Lewis Bond, James Brown, James Bynum, sen., Harry Brewen, Thomas Bennett, Henry Balling, Lieut. William M. Brooks, William Ball, Nancy D. Baker, Benjamin Buckner, Jeremiah Brown, William Bagly
C. - William Culbreth, Thomas Coleman, Abner Clark, Umphra Cooper, Phenois Conn, Isiah Chapman, Hiram Carter, Doctor Curry, Debera Chapman, Thomas Clayton jun., John Carter, Willis Coleman, Agnes Colqidious?, Edward Coxe & others, Mathew Chiles
D. - James Doddridge, John Denis, Mathew Durham, James Denson, John Dun, William Davis, James Dickson, Elijah Dubose, Eiram Dorackin 2, Josiah Durdin, Henry Darnell
F. - Mrs. Patsey Feeman, Robert Flourney 2, Frederick Freeman, Joseph Fox, David N. Felps, Anthony Foster.
GF. - Mathew Gage, William Gilbert, Thomas B. Greene, Alexander Gasque, John Conram, jr, Horation Gates, John or Israe Gammill
H. - James Hubbert, Mrs. Anna Hughes, Gen. Wade Hampton, David Howard, Nelehimah Howard, Benjamin H. G. Hartfiled, Geo Hammond, Spencer Hurt, David Hancum, William Hall, Hardy Herbert, William Hutchinson, Elijah Hargood 2, Thomas Holt, James Hubard, Ptolemy T. Harris, Aaron Harrison
J. - Henton James 2, Dr. David Jamison 2, JoJohn W. Jones, William Iverson, William --ler, Ezekial Joines, Drury Jackson, John Jeter,  John Johnson, E. B. Jenkins, Jacob Jackson, James Jackson
K. - William F. Kilbee, James Keebler
L. - Alexander Love 3, Edmond Love, William Lord, John G. Lumsden 2, Finly Lewis, Edmond Lankford, John D. Larar, Miss Levina Lunsford 2, Benjamin L. Lester
M. 0 Henry Meacham, Daniel M'Cook, Sherard Martin, James Mallet, Miss Nancy Milbern, Alexander M'Millan, Thomas Moran 2, Miss Sarah M'Loud, Isaac M'Crary, John M'Intire, Frances Mercier, Elijah Moore, Eliza M'Call, Lewis Miles, John Miles, Robert M'Ginty, Frederick Masters.
N. - John Nun, Allen L. Nichols
P. Edwin Perry, Stephen Proctor, William D. Patton 2, Rayns Parham, Jesse Prosser, William Parker, Rev. William Piery, William Powell
O. - Charles Oliver, Brayn Oquin, Alexander Oder
R. James Reddock, Isaac Ross, James Rabb 2, William Rutherford 2, E-on Robertson, Capt. Lacon Ryan, Wilson Royal, Thomas Richerson, William D. Ray, Green Robinson, John Runnels
S. - Mrs. Jane Smith, Thomas Sharpless, William Sharp, Mark Sinclair, George Simpson, James Saffold, Willis Sturdivant, Edward Sils, Hiram Storrs, John Sneed, Elijah Smead, Allen Sims, Zachariah William Sheffield, John Scott.
T. - Mansfield Torrance, Wm. D. Taylor 2, Walter Taylor, Cable J. Taylor, Col. George M. Troup, Mrs Tally, John S. Thomas, Willis Trice, Hugh Thompson, Miss Tison 2, John Taliaferro, William Thompson, William Taylor
V. - Richard Valentine
W. James Wright, James Wilson 2, John W. Webb, Solomon Worrill, Joseph Wilson, George Welch, William Wiggins, Daniel Williams, Daniel Wilson, Roberty Wynn, Mary Wingit, John Watson, Malcom Wilkinson, Mr. ___Woodall
Z. - John Zachry
J. W. Devereux, Post Master. July 3, 1816

September 4, 1816
Georgia Journal
     Died, on Tuesday last in the 21st year of her age, Mrs. Sarah P. Williamson, the amiable consort of Dr. Charles Williamson. (see Oct. 29, 1861)
     Departed this life on Thursday last, the ult. at 11 o'clock in the evening, Simon Holt., sen. of this county, aged 79 years. He was a native of Virginia, from whence he migrated to this state in the year 1798. He was one of the patriots of the revolution. His devotion to the principles which produced our independence as a nation, was warm, decided, useful and animated-he was for many years a member of the Baptist Church; he had no sectarian asperities - He thought as a Christian-he spoke as a Christian-he acted as a Christian-his piety was exemplery-his conduct just-it was upright. - He viewed with placid serenity his approaching exit, from time into eternity; :knowing that when this earthly house of his tabernacle was dissolved, he had a building of God, an house not made with hands eternal in the Heavens." On Friday the 30th ult. at 4 o'clock P.M. his remains were deposited in the Family Cemetery at Bellmore Farm, the seat of his sons Hines Holt, Esq. He has left an aged wife to mourn (to her) his erreparable loss, and a numerous offspring to mix with her's, the sympathetic tear, and we hope to emulate his virtues.

September 25, 1816
Georgia Journal
  Married in this place on Tuesday evening 17th inst, by the Rev'd Charles Malone, Mr. Thomas Neely, of Washington county, to Mrs. Jesse Rutherford, of Milledgeville.

November 27, 1816
Georgia Journal
MARRIED, on Thursday evening the 14th instant, by Sterling Evans, Esquire, Mr. Samuel S. S. Wiley, to the amiable Miss Martha A. Newton, both of Baldwin county.

January 28, 1817
The National Advocate
Milledgeville, Jan. 14
  The shock of an earthquake was felt in this place on Thursday morning, a little after four o'clock. The bell in the cupola of the State House struck several times from the violence of the concussion.

February 1, 1817
The Farmers' Cabinet
DIED. At Milledgeville, Geo. Gen. Jett Thomas, of a dreadful cancer in his mouth, for the cure of which he lately offered 2000 dollars.

February 25, 1817
Georgia Journal
DIED, in this place on Sunday last, after a short illness, Mr. WILLIAM FORSYTH.

March 1, 1817
New-York Spectator
DIED. At Milledgeville, (Geo) on the 6th inst. Edmund B. Jenkins, Esq. Surveyor General.

April 22, 1817
Georgia Journal
MARRIED on Tuesday evenng last, by JOAB PINSON, Esq. Mr. Amilius Torrance, of this county, to Miss Mary Curry of Washington County.

October 14, 1817
Georgia Journal
MARRIED, on the 9th instant, by the Rev. Edmund Shackleford, Mr. DAVID WRIGHT to Miss MARTHA GREENE, (eldest daughter of the Rev. Myles Greene) all of this place.

October 28, 1817
Georgia Journal
Milledgeville, October 26th, 1817. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.
  This morning about 9 o'clock,  departed this life Mrs. Patience Barrow, the amiable and pious companion of James Barrow, Esq. of Baldwin county, leaving to his care two little babes, a son and a daughter, the latter at the breast. "O! death where is thy sting! O! grave where is they victory!"

November 17, 1817
The Reflector
WHEREAS Hines Holt applies to me for letters of administration on the estate and effects of Thomas Holt, late of this county, deceased: These are therefore to cite amd admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at a Court of Ordinary to be held in and for the county of Baldwin, on the first Monday in January next, then and there to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted.
  Given under my hand at Office, in Milledgeville, 7th November, 1817. ABNER LOCKE, Clerk

December 2, 1817
The Reflector
Administrators and Guardians' Sale of VALUABLE PROPERTY
The real estate of Obediah Lowe, late of the county of Baldwin, in the State of Georgia, deceased, consisting of two squares, to wit, number two hundred forty-six, and two hundred and sixty-four, each containing 202½ acres, and a fraction number two hundred and seventy-one, containing 114 ¼ acres, all in the fifth district of Wilkinson at the time of the survey, now Baldwin county, making the estate in the aggregate, so far as is now know, 519 ¼ acres, more or less, will be sold to the highest bidder, at the Court-House of Baldwin county, in Milledgeville, on the first Tuesday in February next, agreeably to an order of the honorable the Inferior Court of Baldwin county, sitting for ordinary purposes, passed on the 24th November instant, to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased.
in right of his wife, Judah, late Judah Lowe,
of Elizabeth and Obedience Lowe, orphans and daughters of Obediah Lowe, dec. Nov. 25, 1817.

AGREEABLY to an order of the Court of Ordinary for Baldwin county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in February next, one third of an acre LOT in the town of Milledgeville, on Hancock street, the property of Henry Johnston, deceased, sold for the benefits of his heirs, and creditors.
A.F. BYINGTON, adm'r. November 12, 1817

Will be sold at the plantation of Drury Rogers, all the personal property of Benjamin Rogers, deceased, consisting of Horses, Cattle and Hogs, and many other articles to tedious to metion. Sale to be held on the 24th of December next. Terms of sale made known on the day of sale.
DRURY ROGERS, adm'r. November 12, 1817

ALL persons indebted to the estate of Colonel John Lewis, late of Milledgeville, are required to make immediate payment. Those who have claims against the said estate are requested to present them duly authenticated without delay.
WILIAM LEWIS, exect'r. Milledgeville, Dec. 1, 1817


January 6 1818
The Reflector
Married, in this county, on the 30th ult. by Robert Wynn, Mr. John Redding to MissMartha W. Dozier.

January 13, 1818
The Reflector
WHEREAS John Mathews applies for letters of administration on the estate and effects of William B. Turner, late of the army of the United States, deceased:- These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to file their objections in my office within the time prescribed by law, (if any they have,) or said letters will be granted  him.
  Given under my hand at office, in Milledgeville, 6th January, 1818.

January 20, 1818
The Reflector
CASH will be given for one or two thousand bushels merchantable wheat, at one dollar and fifty cents per bushel delivered at my mills.
January 191, 1818

OFFERS his professional services to the inhabitants of Milledgeville and its vicinity. He resides at Mrs. Jenkins'.
January 12

TENDERS his professional services ot the citizens of Milledgeville and its vicinity. Applications made at Mr. Rousseau's will be attended to. January 13.

February 3, 1818
The Reflector
And immediate possession given; the tract lies within 4 miles of Milledgeville, and adjoins Messrs. Barrow and Borland, on which there is 140 acres cleared - 70 of which is prime cotton land-There is a comfortable hewed log dwelling house with two rooms; a gin house and cotton machine with the running gear complete; also, a granary with a good threshing machine, propelled by the wheels of the cotton gin. One fourth part of the purchase money will be required in hand, the balance in three equal annual payments. I can furnish the purchaser with corn on the premises.
BOLLING HALL. January 20, 1818

March 3, 1818
The Reflector
HYMENEAL. Married, in Milledgeville, on Thursday evening last, by the  Rev'd Myles Greene, JOHN H. HOWARD, Esq. attorney at law, to Miss CAROLINE MATILIDA BOSTICK, all of this place.

March 10, 1818
Georgia Journal
DIED in this county, on the 4th instant, in the 93d year of his age, Mr. JOHN DISMUKES, a native of Virginia - He fought in Braddock's war and was a soldier of the Revolution. He was honest, humane, patriotic, and much esteemed by his acquintance.

March 31, 1818
The Reflector
  Married, at the seat of Col. Farish Carter's, on Thursday evening last, by the Rev. Myles Greene,Dr. Samuel Boykin, of Milledgeville, to Miss Maria Maxwell.
  On Sunday evening last, Captain Wm. Bowen to Miss Hetty Downer, daughter of Mr. John Downer.

April 7, 1818
The Reflector
OBITUARY.   Died, in this place, on Monday night, the 30th ultimo, Mr. JOSHUA TOULMAN, a student of the Milledgeville Academy, and son of Judge Toulman of the Alabama territory. He was permitted to rise, like the sun, enough above his horizon to give anticipations of the splendor of his meridian elevation, when the "dark cloud of death passed over his face, and wrapt him forever from our view."
  "From life's bright scenes, in life's bright morning torn,
   Lamented youth, the early grave we mourn'
  Far from lov'd home, from friends and kindred dear,
  In blest repose, thy ashes slumber here."

On the same evening, of a lingering illness, Captain John Danelly, merchant of this place. He died amidst the fairest prospects of success in life, and with the sincere regret of all who knew him.

April 20, 1818
The Reflector
NOTICE. The Late firm of William Bowen & Co. has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, and the subscriber having purchased the entire interest of Stoutenburg and Thorn in this establishment, will, in future, continue business on his own account at the corner store formerly occupied by Capt. A. Borland, where he offers on accommodating terms, for cash or produce, a few Groceries and a variety of Fancy and Staple Goods suitable for the season.
    Wishing to discontinue the dry goods business will dispose of his stock at the Savannah prices, for cash or a short credit. Persons wishing to purchase an assortment will find the one offered low charged and well selected.

April 28, 1818
The Reflector
MARRIED,  In Milledgeville, on Thursday evening last, by the Rev. Myles Greene, Mr. John H. Wright, merchant, to MissNancy H. Jenkins. - On the same evening, in this county, by James Rosseau, Esq. Captain John Bozeman, of Milledgeville, to Miss Elizabeth Murphey, only daughter of Cornelius Murphey, Esq.

May 12, 1818
The Reflector
GEORGIA, BALDWIN COUNTY. WHEREAS Arthur Danelly, sen'r, applies to me for letters of administration on the estate and effects of John Danelly, late of this county deceased: These are therefore  to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at the court of ordinary, to be held in and for the county of Baldwin, on the first Monday in January, then and there to shew cause (if any they can) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Milledgeville, this 5th May, 1818.

May 19, 1818
The Reflector
GEORGIA BALDWIN COUNTY. WHEREAS Nancy Moore applies to me for letters of administration on the state and effects of Jesse Moore, late of this county deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at a court of ordinary, to be held in and for the count of Baldwin, on the first Monday in July next, then and there to shew cause (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Milledgeville, this 4th May, 1818.

May 19, 1818
The Reflector
TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS REWARD. DESERTED on the 16th ult. a non-commissioned officer by the name of Joseph Henry, who belonged to the Penitentiary Guard. He is 27 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches high, fair complected, blue eyes, dark hair, and a hatter by trade. Has a tolerable good education, dresses genteel - is a native of New-York, and enlisted on the 6th of January. The above reward will be paid to any person who will deliver the said deserter to me at the Penitentiary, Milledgeville. JOHN BOZEMAN. Officer of the Guard

May 19, 1818
The Reflector
Married, in this county, on Thursday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Talley, Dr. James Myrick, of Jones county, to Miss Ann Fluellen.

May 27 1818
the Augusta Chronicle
Administrator's Sale
Will be sold on the first Tuesday July next, at Columbia court house, by order of the court of ordinary, for benefit of the heirs and creditors of Wm. Bryan deceased, the following tracts of LAND, belonging to the estate of the said deceased.
No. 242 in 9th District, Baldwin County on Cedar Creek containing 202 1-2 acres - Also, No. 40 in 21st District, Wilkinson County. James Burroughs, Adm'r. May 6

June 30, 1818
Georgia Journal
~excerpt~Departed this life on the 11th day of June, Maj HENRY COX, of Baldwin county, after suffering several years with that distressing complaint, the consumption...
bid his wife and daughter, farewell!..he should join his little children in Heaven in a short time....

June 30, 1818
The Reflector
NEW STORE. Just opened and for sale by A. DuBourg, at the corner store of the public square, in the house formerly occupied by capt. John Dannelly & co. a general assortment of Dry Goods and Hardware.
June 15. ***40,000 real Spanish Segars, for sale.

June 30, 1818
The Reflector
FOR SALE. A HOUSE and Lot, joining Abram Borland and Jas. Gamble - The lot contains one fourth of an acre, has on it a new dwelling-house, smoke-house and kitchen. Also a likely mulatto girl, about nine years old, for further information apply to ELISHA BETTS. Milledgeville, June 20, 1818

On the 24th inst. the anniversary of St. John the Baptist was commemorated in this place by about forty masons, members of Benevolent Lodge and others. At 12 o'clock the brethren moved in procession from their lodge room to the Methodist meeting house, where an excellent discourse was delivered by the Rev. Mr. Tally. They then returned to the lodge where the solemnities of the day were finished, and the brethren repaired to the Bell Tavern, & partook of a sumptuous dinner prepared by brother Rousseau.

June 30, 1818
The Reflector
MARRIED.   On Thursday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Tally, Mr. Robert Malone, merchant of Augusta, to Miss Nancy Rutherford, daughter of Thomas B. Rutherford Esq. of Washington county.

August 25, 1818
The Reflector
MARRIED.  In Milledgeville, on Thursday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Shackleford, Mr. Augustin J. Brown to Ladoiska Few, both of this place.

August 25, 1818
The Reflector
BILLY WOODLIEF, Barber, With ecstatic delight, now offers his services to the public, in all branches of his profession; such as shaving, hair dressing, whisker making, powdering, curling, twisting, greasing, &c. &c. From his long experience in the business, and the unasked for applause of his former customers in Virginia, he flatters himself with succeeding in this place, )so much famed for its liberality) as well as any brother chip.
   P.S. He may be found on Greene street, at the house lately occupied by Capt. Foot, at the sign of the pole.

September 3, 1818
Hampden Federalist
   The shock of an earthquake was felt at Milledgeville, Geo. 3d inst. about daylight. The tremulous motion which it produced caused the Bell in the cupola of the State House to strike several times.

September 9, 1818
The Reflector
WHOLESALE GROGERY. The subscriber has in Store and arriving, 22 hhds. Sugar, first quality, 32 do. N.E. Rum, 7 do. Jamaica do. (old) 1 do. Whiskey, 62 bbls. do. 100 bags Coffee, 13 qr. casks Malaga Wine, 1 pipe 5 years old Lisbon do. 1 do, Fayal, 4 qr. casks L. P. Teneriff do. 20 boxes long cork Claret do. 13 half bbls. Fly market Mess Beef, 27 bbls Gin. (excellent quality, and 10 per cent, over proof,) 4 pipes Cogniac Brandy, 10 bbls. Mackerel, 5 do. Salmon, 12 half bbls. Crackers, 10 boxes Soap, 5 dried Fits, 20 bbls. Loaf and Lump Sugar, 3 kegs Virginia ol Tobacco, 50 Demijohns, 30 boxes Raisins, 10 do. London Mustard, 23 do. Shaving Soap, 5 bbls,. Herrings, 5 kegs Split Peese, 5 do Barley, 20 Tirces Porter-boxes Prunes, 36 boxes bottled Ale, 2 bags race Ginger, 6 do. Almonds, 49 boxes mould Candles, 15 bags Pepper, 80 crates Crockeryware, 95 pieces Cotton Bagging, negro Plains, Carpeting, &c &c  together with a variety of other articles in the Grocery line. This establishment is intended, principally, to supply merchants in the country, at wholesale prices; and will be constantly supplied, with such articles as belong to this line of business. Merchants are invited to call and see-Those who want Groceries, will find much advantage in purchasing in Milledgeville, as such articles may be sold here cheaper than can be waggoned from Augusta or Savannah. WM. BOWEN

October 20, 1818
The Reflector
MARRIED,   In Hanover county, Virginia, on the 4th inst. Seaton Grantland, Esq. senior editor of the Georgia Journal, to Miss Anne Tinsley, youngest daughter of Col. Thomas Tinsley.

October 20, 1818
The Reflector
DIED, at Bonavista, on the 13th inst. after four days severe illness, Master Farish Carter, the only child of Col. Farish Carter, in the seventh year of his age. Even at this early age this child had frequent and forcible impressions of a future state. His inquiries on important subjects evidenced a degree of reflection that could have been expected but from mature minds. This preciosity of intellect, combined with the native suavity of his disposition, riveted his parents' affections upon him. But nether is too strong for the relentless arm of death. It has severed the child from his parents, and left them in a state of almost inconsolable grief.
 "Heaven gives us friends to bless the present scene,
  Resumes them to prepare us for the next."

October 25, 1818
The Reflector
MARRIED. On Thursday the 24th ult. by the Rev. Edmond Shackleford,Mr. John S. Wright, of Putnam county, to Miss Lavinia Lamar, of Milledgeville.

November 3, 1818
The (Milledgeville) Reflector
Died. In Powelton, on Thursday evening last, Dr. Charles Lewis, of Milledgeville.

December 1, 1818
The (Milledgeville) Reflector
MARRIED. On Tuesday evening the 24th inst. by the Rev. Osborn Rogers, Mr. John W. Jones, of Baldwin, to MissSarah H. Harris, of Hancock county.

December 8, 1818
The Reflector
MARRIED. On Thursday the 3d inst. by the Rev. Mr. Tally, Mr. James L. Daniel, to Miss Eliza C. Butts, daughter of Captain James Butts, all of Hancock county.

December 15, 1818
The Reflector
The following gentlemen were elected by the Legislature on Saturday last, to survey the land lately ceded to this state by the Creek and Cherokee Indians. Messrs. Wm. Watson, Nisby Dobson, Nathaniel Collins, Thomas Johnson, H. Lucky, D. T. M'Neil, Joel Walker, John Allen, Cha's Smith, Wm. Hardwich, Tho's E. Hardee, Rob't Cunningham, Clem Powers, John Torrance, Rob't Henry, Jr., George  W. Johnston, John P. Blackman, Joshua Coffee, John M'Bride, Greggby E. Thomas, J. H. Cunningham Cha's M'Kennon, Reuben Neill, Thomas Glenn, C. Garlington, E. R. Young, Peter L. Livingston, Nivin M' Bride, Elijah F. Callaway, Thomas Cheely, D. J.Blackburn, John White, Rob't Hodges, John A Rhodes, Edward L. Thomas, Dennis Lark, Douglas W. Porter, Cyrus White, Joshua Callaway, John H. Broadnax, Jethro Darden, Wm. Wilkins, Allen Daniel, James Merriwether, Wm. Montgomery, James C. Humphries, Wm. Mathews. Wm. H. Underwood, R. Kennedy, Henry Dance, Thomas Wright, Archibald M'Intire, R. Willis, Randel Sheffield, Jacob M'Clendon, S. W. Pearman, Lemuel Gresham, Cha's Phillips, Edward Ware,  Martin Wood and A. B. Shehe.

December 22, 1818
The Reflector
MARRIED, On Thursday evening last, in Sparta, by the Rev. Mr. Arnold, Mr. Henry B. Holcombe, merchant of Milledgeville, to Miss Louisina Deveraux.

January 11, 1819
Baltimore Patriot & Mercantile Advertiser
DIED.  It is with feelings of great regret, that we announce the death of Mr. Fleming Grantland, the junior editor of the Georgia Journal. He died, at Milledgeville, on the 28th ultimo, in the prime of manhood. We knew him well, and deeply deplore his loss. He has left a wife and two infant babes, besides other near and dear relations, to weep o'er his grave.
See Oct 29, 1861

January 12, 1819
The Reflector
MARRIED.   On Wednesday the 29th of December, by Thomas Sherrer, esq. Mr. Solomon B. Murphey to Miss Elizabeth M'Clendon.
-On Thusday the 30th December, Mr. Samuel Clark, to Miss Matilda Mains.

February 2, 1819
The Reflector
MARRIED, At Milledgeville, on the 24th ult. John B. Hines, Esq. Editor of the Reflector, to Miss Eliza L. Sturges, daughter of Daniel Sturges, Esq. Surveyor-General
  At Mount Nebo, near Milledgeville, on the 27th ult. by the Rev. Mr. Shackleford, Captain William Taylor, of Cahaba, (A.T.) to Miss Mary A. Mitchell, youngest daughter of Gen. D. B. Mitchell, agent for Indian affairs,

June 20, 1820
Georgia Journal

July 30, 1819
Newburyport Herald
DIED  In Milledgeville, the wife of the Rev. Charles Malone, aged 57.

October 21, 1819
Baltimore Patriot
DIED, Capt. Troutman, a planter, who lived in the vicinity of Milledgeville, Georgia, was lately murdered while in bed. He had spent the evening with his overseer, and concluded to sleep at his house for the night. A gun was discharged through the window, the contents buckshot, which passed through the coverlet of the bed, carried away the flesh, part of the right arm, and lodged in his breast.

November 9, 1819
Georgia Journal
   Died, in this place, on the first inst. Mr. John Hill, jr. Merchant, a young gentleman of exemplary piety.

November 11, 1819
Baltimore Patriot
DIED. At Milledgeville, with the nervous fever, MR. HENRY DENISON, one of the editors of the "Georgia Repulican."- The premature death of this young gentleman is a subject of deep regret with all who knew him, in as much as his youth, his talents and virtuous life promised much usefulness to the community.
(Note: He was 24 and the son of Judge Gilbert Denison, of Brattleborough, Vt.)


Februry 8, 1820
Georgia Journal
Married at Wood Lawn, (Baldwin county) on the 1st inst. by the Rev. Myles Greene, Mr. AUGUSTINTA PARSONS, of this place, to Miss MARY ANN MILLS, (niece of Gen'l D. B. Mitchell of the former place.

May 9, 1820
Georgia Journal
DIED, On Wednesday last, THO'S TRAPP, Esq. Deputy Sheriff of Baldwin county, for many years a useful and respectable public officer of the county.,

May 25, 1820
Camden Gazette
DIED - At Milledgeville, (Geo.) on Sunday the 7th inst. Mrs. Elizabeth Hines, wife of Mr. John B. Hines, one of the Editors of the Journal.

June 16, 1820
Boston Patriot & Daily Mercantile Advertiser
DIED. In Milledgeville, drowned, while bathing, Mr. James Nevins, recently from N. York.

June 20, 1820
Georgia Journal
Married, in Milledgeville, on Sunday evening last, Col. CHARLES WILLIAMSON, to Miss ANN HOWARD, daughter of Maj. John Howard..

August 15, 1820
Georgia Journal
  Married, on the night of 6th inst. by Squire Jenkins, Mr. JAMES POWELL to Mrs SARAH HARRIS, widow of the late Capt. Thomas Harris, both of Baldwin county.  In the vicinity of Milledgeville, Thursday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Shackleford, Mr. PETER STUBBS, of this place, to Miss ANN HAMMOND, daughter of Col. Hammond.

August 15, 1820
Georgia Journal
  ~excerpt~ Died, in this place, on the 8th inst. Mrs. MARY M'CARTY, wife of the Rev. G. M'Carty. ...surviving husband and ten children..been for twenty-two years a worthy and respectable member of the Methodist church..
 ....buried, after an impressive sermon delievered on the occasion by the Rev. Myles Greene..

August 22, 1820
National Advocate for the Country (New York, N Y)
   Married. At Eastchester, on Tuesday evening, by the Rev. Marvin Richardson, Mr. Arthur Ginn, merchant, of Milledgeville, Geo. to Miss Mary Lucas, of the
former place.

August 29, 1820
Georgia Journal
   Married, on the 9th inst. at Baskinridge, New Jersey, Mr. JAMES CAMAK, one of the Editiors of the Georgia Journal, to Miss HELEN S. FINLEY, daughter of the late Rev. Dr. Finley, formerly president of Franklin College.
    Died in this place, on Thursday evening lat, Mr. EZRA EVANS, a useful and industrious citizen. His remains were interred with Masonic honors.

November 20, 1820
Concord Observer
DEATHS. In Milledgeville, Georgia, the Rev. Charles Dickinson, 26.

November 27, 1820
Concord Observer
Deaths -  In Milledgeville, Georgia, MissCharlotte Elliot, 24, of Goshen, N.Y.

January 22, 1821
Southern Recorder
MARRIED in Baldwin county, on Sunday evening last, by the Rev. Myles Green, Mr. Wyatt Foard, one of the Assistant Keepers of the Penitentiary of Georgia, to Miss Mary C. McCarty, daughter of the Rev. C. McCarty of this county.

August 21, 1821
Southern Recorder
DIED, on Friday evening last, at an advanced age, Maj. FRANCIS BOYKIN, one of the most respectable citizens of Baldwin county.

(Communicated.) Died in this place,  on Friday, the 10th inst. JOHN P. GORDON, Boot Maker, after an illness of seven days. The place of his nativity is unknown, being but partially acquainted in the town.

September 4, 1821
Georgia Journal.
DIED. In this place, on the 1st inst. WILLIAM WILSON, a native of New Jersey, aged 24 years.

September 4, 1821
Georgia Journal.
    Our worthy fellow citizen COL. FRANCIS SMITH,  "sleeps with his fathers." He died on Thursday morning last, after a severe attack of the nervous fever. The deceased has represented Baldwin county for many years in both branches of the State Legislature, with honor to himself and usefulness to his country. As commandr of the militia of the county, he always enjoyed the respect of his officers and estem of his men. The grief manifested by his neighbors who had assembled to witness the heart chilling scene of nature's dissoultion, and pay the last said office to one who had given them so many proofs of the goodness of his heart and the uprightness of his intentions, has seldom been surpassed. The tears of a man's neighbors afford the highest eulogy on his character.
   As a token of respect due the memory of their decased brother, the members of Benevolent Lodge has resolved unanimously to wear crape on the left arm for thirty days. Z.

November 12, 1821
The Augusta Chronicle
NOTICES to prepare bills
Mr. Wright - to remove the seat of government from Milledgeville to the west side of the Ocmulgee River opposite Fort Hawkins.

November 20, 1821
New York Spectator
DIED, At Milledgeville, Geo. MrsChloe Bozeman, 52.

November 20, 1821
Georgia Journal
Married, in Milledgeville, on Tuesday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Greene, Mr. JOSEPH WASHBURN, to Miss MARY ANN BIRD, daughter of Dr. Thompson Bird, all of this place.

March 5, 1822
Georgia Journal
MARRIED - In this county, on Tuesday Evening last, JOHN C. MANGHAM, Esq. to Miss ANN BARRETT.

April 8, 1822
Augusta Chronicle
Married, In Milledgeville, on Tuesday the 26th ult. by the Rev. Mr. Gildersleeve,Col. John W, CAMPBELL, of Madison to Miss ANN W. CLARK, daughter of Gov. Clark

May 25, 1822
The Portsmouth Journal of Literature and Politics
DIED. In Milledgeville, Georgia, Thomas P. Carnes, Esq. an eminent Lawyer, aged 60.

May 28, 1822
Georgia Journal
DIED - In this place, on Tuesday morning last, Mrs. MARY LOCKE, for many years  a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

June 4, 1822
Georgia Journal
Communicated for the Examiner. DIED - On Wednesday morning last, in this city, in the 23d year of his age, JOSEPH L. HEPBURN, Esq'r. of the firm of Rockwell & Hepburn, of Milledgeville. His death was ocasioned by a wound he received in a duel. The circumstances that led to this fatal event, it is not now necessary to detail. He did not fight for reputation, but in defense, as he conceived of his right and honor. His name and character were his only possessions, these he ever wished to preserve unsullied. It was his unfortunate fate to die far from the land of his nativity among strangers, a victim to a barbarous custom. Although his residene in Georgia has been of short duration, yet he had many warm friends, who most deeply lament is untimel fate.
   He was a youth of great promise in his profession, he was far above mediocrity, he was unassuming in his deportment, and amiable in his disposition-as a friend he was ardent and sincere as a son affectionate and kind.- By his death society has lot a valuable member-the bar an ornament, and an aged mother the prop of her declining years. Lamented Hepbun! fare thee well-peace be to thy Manes.

June 25, 1822
Georgia Journal
DIED - At his residence in this place,Col. THOMAS HUSON, in the 55th year of his age. In the morning he appeared well as usual, at noon he deemed hardy, and before sun set he closed his eyes in death, leaving an affectionate family to deplore his loss.

June 26, 1822
Republican Advocate (New London, Conn.)
Another duel ws fought on the 28th ult ear Savannah, by Joseph L. Hepburn and Thacker B. Howard, Esq's. The first shot taking no effect, a second was fired, by which the former was killed in the 23d year of his age. And it is said that hundeds of the good people of that neighborhood went out to see the sport!

August 6, 1822
Daily Georgian
  DIED, At Milledgeville, on the 20th ult, after a short illness, Mrs. Mary Lewis, consort of Dr. Richard Lewis, of Powelton, in the 20th year of her age.

August 24, 1822
American Federalist Columbia Centinel
DIED. In Milledgeville, Geo. Mr. Daniel Lyman, a native of Rhode Island, aged 28.

August 27, 1822
Connecticut Times
MARRIED - In this city, on Wednesday morning last, by the Rev. Mr. Hawes, Mr. Richard J. Nichols, of Milledgeville, Geo. to Miss Abby J. Hall, daughter of John Hall.

October 3, 1822
The Georgian
DIED,   At his residence near Milledgeville, 21st ult.Colonel Robert Rutherford.
   In Milledgeville 17th ult. Mrs. Nancy M. Davis, late consort of Major John M. Davis of Clinton.

October 8, 1822
DIED, At Milledgeville, 29th ult: Mr. William Perkins, a native of Connecticut.

October 15, 1822
Southern Recorder
DIED, in this place, on Saturday evening last, after a short, but severe indispostion, Mr. SAMUEL BROWN. His loss to society, and his numerous friends, will long be a source of lamentation.

October 19, 1822
Independent Chronicle and Boston Patriot
DIED,    In Milledgeville, Geo. 13 ult. Mr. Oliver Hofman, merchant, of this city.
 and Stephen W. Harris, Esq. both eminent attorneys; Col. William Jones, aged 43; Mr. Josiah Carter, a revolutionary soldier, in the 79th year of his age.
  At Mount Pleasant, Baldwin county, Ga. the 13th inst. Mr. Jacob Ammedon, Jun'r of Chesterfield, N.H. aged 23.

October 22, 1822
Southern Recorder
         DIED, in this place, on the 19th inst. Mr. EDMUND WADLOW, a native of England. He has been many years in the United States, and for several years a resident of this State. He was a man of superior skill in the House Carpenter's trade, to which he had devoted his time and attention. Honest and honorable in his dealings, and industrious in his vocation, he possesed the confidence of those who knew him - open and liberal in his nature, he was beloved by his associates. For such citizens as these, we cheerfully tender our thanks to the mother country.

November 5, 1822
Georgia Journal
DIED. At Bellmore Farm, on Tuesday the 29th ult. PEYTON SAMUEL SIMON, youngest son of Hines Holt, aged 2 years, 10 months and 10 days.
   ~excerpt~ At the same place, on the Saturday preceeding,ERASMUS DARWIN, the infant son of the late Doct. Christopher Hobson, aged 2 years 11 months and 2 days.

December 3, 1822
The Chronicle and Sentinel
MARRIED - at Lebanon, Washington Cty., on Wednesday last, by the Rev'd Mr. Carpenter, Mr. John W. A. Sanford of Baldwin County to MissMary Ann Blount, daughter of Colonel Richard A. Blount of the former county. Geo. Journal


February 4, 1823
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, at Mount Pleasant, Baldwin county, on Thursday evening last, by Sterling Bass, Esq. Mr. BENJAMIN ASKEW, to Mrs. MARIA PITTS.

February 4, 1823
Southern Recorder
~Excerpt~ DEPARTED this life, on the 24th ult. of the dropsy, aged 62 years, Mrs. Sarah Miller, wife of Ezekiel Miller. She has been many years a member of the Baptist denomination."

Tuesday March 4, 1823
The Augusta Chronicle and Georgia Advertiser
Coffee House. The subscribers respectfully beg leave to inform their friends and the public, that they have taken the above well known Public House, in the town of Milledgeville, on the east side of the Public Square, formerly kept by John Downer, (one of the present occupants.) Their establishment is large and conveniently calculated to accommodate Travellers with private bedrooms. Gentlemen, with their families, can be furnished with genteel bed and sitting rooms, separate from the noise of the house. They therefore hope, from the conveniences of their House, together with their experience in business and exertions to give general satisfaction, to gain a share of public patronage. John Downer, James W. Lamkin. March 1.

March 21, 1823
Connecticut Herald
DIED In Milledgeville, (Geo.) Mr. Sylvester Porter, 25, a native of Connecticut.

May 20, 1823
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, on Wednesday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Capers, Mr. EDWIN CURTIS, of Cahawba, (Ala.) to Miss HENRIETTA B. PITTS, of this place.

August 19, 1823
Southern Recorder
DIED, in this place on the 23th inst. Mr. HENRY THORNTON, much esteemed by his acquaintances as an upright and worthy citizen.

August 26, 1823
Southern Recorder
DIED, in this place on Sunday morning last, Mr. HIRAM A. WOOD, a young gentleman whose many estimable qualities had secured to him the esteem and affection of numerous friends.
  Departed this life on Tuesday, 19th inst., at Drury Jackson's, in Baldwin county, Mrs. SUSANNAH JACKSON, in her 84th year - she had been a pious member of the Baptist Church for about fifty years-...
  The Funeral sermon of the decased will be preached by the Rev'd Myles Greene, on the third Sabbath in September next.

December 20, 1823
American Federalist Columbia Centinel
DIED. In Milledgeville, Wm. Robertson, Esq., Secretary of the Senate of Georgia.

December 30, 1823
Georgia Journal
MARRIED, In this place, on Wednesday evening the 24th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Capers, Mr. DAVID SHELTON of Louisa county, Virginia, to Miss SARAH B. DYER.

Decmber 30, 1823
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ On Monday night the 15th inst. DRURY JACKSON, of Baldwin county, departed this life, after a severe attack of the nervous fever, and followed by an attack of the influenza, the latter proved fatal on the ninth day after being attacked. He has left behind him a wife & nine children, together with all who knew him, to deplore his loss, though their loss is his infinite gain,
 Mr. JACKSON was loved by all who were intimately acquainted with him,,,,,The Rev. A. F. Edwards visted him; ...yielded up the ghost in the 54th year of his age, a member of the Methodist Church 18 years.

January 24, 1824
Independent Chronicle and Boston Patriot
DIED.  Near Milledgeville, Geo. Gen. John Irwin; and at Milledgeville, Mr. Amos Love. They had both been Representatives in the State Legislature.

February 16, 1824
Boston Commercial Gazette
    At Milledgeville, Geo. on the 20th ult. the house of  Mr. Jaillet, and three or four others of small value, contiguous to it, fronting the south side of the State House Square were consumed by fire.

February 17, 1824
Southern Recorder
MARRIED on Thursday evening the 12th instant, at Bellmore Farm, by the Rev'd Myles Greene, the Hon. THOMAS W. HARRIS,Judge of the Superior Courts of the Southern Circuit of this State, to Mrs. HARRIETT H. HOBSON, eldest daughter of Hines Holt, Esq.

April 13, 1824
Southern Recorder
DIED, on the 18th March, Mrs. REBECCA P. MITCHELL, consort of the late David Brydie Mitchell, jr. and daughter of Peterson Thweatt, Esq. in the 23 year of her age.....For many months arterior to her death, she was doomed to behold a beloved husband suffer the most excrutiating torture from an incurable disease....But it was her lot to become the first victim to inexorable death...She left an infant but 8 days old, to the care of surviving friend....
   Died on the 4th instant, at Mount Nebo, (the residence of his father) DAVID BRYDIE, MITCHELL, junior, son of General DAVID B. MITCHELL. He fell a sacrifice to a most painful disease that baffled all medical skill, & which he bore with uncommon fortitude

July 20, 1824
Georgia Journal
   MARRIED - In this county, on the 29th ult., Mr. ELISHA KING, to Mrs. POLLY REMINGTON.

July 20, 1824
Georgia Journal
DIED  On the 8th inst. FRANCES BOYKIN RUTHERFORD, oldest son of William Rutherford of this vivinity. He was in his 17th year - a youth of such promise to his parents, as to deserve and receive their best exertions for the cultivaion of those talents which, it is believed, were flattering to all his acquaintances.

October 12, 1824
Georgia Journal
 DIED,  In this county, on the 7th inst. ELIJAH EVANS,  eldest son of Mr. John L.Owens.
 On Friday last, the 8th inst.ESTHER ANSLIE WITHERS, infant daughter of the Rev. William Capers.

May 3, 1825
American Mercury
   On the 23d ult. Mr. Raymond Knapp, a young gentleman of about 24, who was from the North, and has a brother residing in this place, was killed at Milledgeville, Geo. in a personal rencontre with a man by the name of Macumber, formerly from Vermont. They had a little previous difficulty, after which Macumber, procured a knife, and showed it to Mr. Knapp, threatening to kill him with it as soon as he could get and opportunity; and meeting with him a few evenings after, while walking out, he put his diabolical threat into execution. Mr. Knapp survived but a short time after he was stabbed. The assassin fled. Norwalk Gazette.

May 14, 1825
Columbia Register
  Mr. Macumber, who killed Mr. Raymond Knapp in an affray a short time since in Milledgeville, and who made his escape, has returned and surrendered himself to the proper authorities. His case was laid before the grand jur, who returned no bill. -Savannah paper.

September 27, 1825
Georgia Journal
~excerpt~ DIED - On Sabbath evening, the 11th inst. MARY MARIA CAROLINE, youngest daughter of James and Mildred Fleming, of this place, aged 5 years and 7 months.
  On Sabbath morning, the 17th inst. of a lingering disease with which he had been afflicted for a number of years, JAMES FLEMING, aged 41 years- He has left a disconsolate wife and two lovely children to mourn his loss. 


July 15, 1826
Augusta Chronicle
A Proclamation
GEORGIA,  By His Excellency George M. Troup, Governor and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the State, and of the Militia thereof.
  WHEREAS, I have received official information, that on the 1st of July instant, HENRY R. ROGERS, of the county of Baldwin and State aforesaid, did commit an assault upon the body of Reuben Bradford Goodwin, and then and there stab and wound the said Goodwin, so that his lie is departed of, and that the said Henry R. Rogers has fled from justice:
   Now in order that the said Henry R. Rogers may be brought to justice, I have thought proper to issue this my Proclamation, hereby offering a reward of ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS to any person or persons who may apprehend and deliver to the said Henry R. Rogers to the Sheriff of the county aforesaid - And I do moreover charge and required all officers civil and military, to be vigilant in assisting to apprehend the said Henry R. Rogers, if to be found in the State.
  Given under my hand and the seal of the State, at the State house, in Milledgeville, this 3d day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty six, and of the Independence of the United States of America the fiftieth.
By the Governon: DANIEL NEWNAN, Sec'ry of State
  Henry R. Rogers is about 25 years of age and well made, dark hair, blue eyes - active and strong and represented as being very quarrelsome. July 8.

August 23 1826
The Gettysburg Compiler
American Wine. - At the Jubilee celebrated in Milledgeville, Georgia, nearly all the wine of the public dinners, was the produce of the vineyard of  Thomas M'Call, Esq. of Laurens county, in that State, whose wine has obtained such a reputation that he is unable to supply all orders for it.

November 27, 1826
DIED, In Milledgeville, on the 9th inst. Mr. ORRIN SHAW, Merchant of that place, aged 28 years. He was a native of Massachusetts, but was brought up in Middlebury, Vermont, and resided several years in Savannah, previous to his removal to Milledgeville.

December 20, 1826
Augusta Chronicle & Advertiser
Extracts of a letter from a correspondent, dated Milledgeville, Saturday afternoon 5 o'clock.
  "An attempt has been made by the convicts in the Penitentiary to escape, and two of them succeeded in passing the walls, after shooting the guard; and proceeded about a quarter of a mile from the prison, when they were overtaken and both were shot dead upon the spot by their pursuers. Their names were Pulaski and Moffitt - the former confined for a Rape and the other for Horse stealing. Mr. Williams, the principal keeper is much hurt about the head, and several others were wounded in the affray."

December 26, 1826
Southern Recorder
  Among the members of the Legislature who left here on Saturday morning last, anxious to reach home after a tedious absence, was Capt. WILLIAM W. BAKER, of Liberty county. He had proceeded only a few miles, in company with his colleagues, when his horse ran away with the carriage in which he was riding, and attempting to jump out, he received an injury in the stomach of which he died in a few minutes. Capt. Baker had been several years a member of the Legislature, and represented his county, at the late session, in the Senate.  He was well known and much esteemed by the citizens of Milledgeville, to which place his remains were brought and interred on Sunday last.

January 29, 1827
Macon Weekly Telegraph
MARRIED - in Baldwin county, on the 21st ult by E. Ormsby, Esq. Dr. Henry H. Cone, of Fortville, Jones county, to Mrs. Sophronia E. Work, daughter of the late Rev. Wm. Ellis, of Baldwin.

March 5, 1827
Macon Weekly Telegraph
DEATHS. In Baldwin county, 18th ul't Jesse Sanford esq. in the 64th year of his age; and on the 23d, Martha G. Sanford, his wife, in the 58th year of her age.

April 23, 1827
Southern Recorder
  MARRIED, on the 10th inst by the Rev. Lovick Pierce, the Rev'd. Mr. OLIN of Athens, to Miss MARYANN BOSTICK of Milledgeville.
  DIED, in this place, on Friday last, in the 9th year of his age, of a violent inflammation of the intestines, FLEMING GRANTLAND, only son of Fleming Grantland, dec'd. He was a child of uncommon promise, an dmight have been an ornament to society had the Almighty Disposer of events permitted hime to arrive at mature age.

April 23, 1827
Macon Telegraph
ABSCONDED, From this place, about the 10th of February last, A NEGRO WOMAN by the name of Harriet, about 30 years of age, low stature, chunky built, and black complexion. She was raised by a person of the name of Miner (Minor), near Milledgeville. Was formerly owned by Redden Rutland, and lately by Ralston & Jones, of whom I purchased her. It is probable she is lurking about this place or Milledgeville.
  A liberal reward will be paid on delivering said Negro to the subscriber in Macon, or confining here in any jail so that I can get her. PETER LAQUEX

July 2, 1827
Macon Telegraph
MARRIED,  In Milledgeville on the 21st ult. by the Rev. Joseph C. Stiles, Mr. P. D. Sayre, merchant of Montgomery, Alabama, to Miss Caroline V. Clayton, eldest daughter of George R. Clayton, Esq.
   On the same evening by the Rev. Mr. Stiles, Mr. Anthony Newsom, to MissLydia Pierce.

August 14, 1827
Macon Telegraph
MARRIED. At Milledgeville, on the 25th ult. Mr. Jacob Kister to Miss A. M. Phelps, both of that town.
   At Milledgeville, on the 2d instant, by the reverend Samuel K. Hodges, Mr. S. G. Beckwith, of Clinton, to Miss Mary Woods, of Milledgeville.

December 18, 1827
Macon Telegraph
Casualty. A waggoner and three mules, belonging to Mr. Sam'l Buffington of this town were last week drowned at Holt's Ferry, by, it is said, some mismanagement. Statesman.


January 27, 1828
Macon Telegraph
MARRIED. In Baldwin county, Capt. William F. Scott, to Mrs. Elizabeth Reynolds.

February 4, 1828
Georgia Journal
   MARRIED - In this place, on Wednesday evening last, by the Rev. Joseph C. Stiles, CHARLES BULLOCK, Esq. of Macon, to Mrs. ELIZA A. GRANTLAND.

February 23, 1828
The Southron
Georgia, Baldwin County, - The following is a list of free persons of color who have come forward and registered their names in my office: and notice is hereby given that unless objection is made within the time prescribed by law, certificates will be granted them.
  Joe Butler, alias Joe Holt, dark complected, forty-five years old, occupation a farmer, born in Georgia
  Wiley Lawrence, alias Wiley Woodum, yellow complected, forty-two years old, occupation a bricklayer, born in Virginia.
  Martin Smothers, yellow complected, twenty three years old, occupation a barber; born in Georgia
  Rachel Gould, yellow complected, twenty-three years old, occupation washing and baking, born in Georgia-And her child Frances Susannah, yellow complected, three years old; born in Georgia
  Molly Mercer, yellow complected, thirty eight years old, occupation washer and seamstress; born in Virginia
  Lucinda Mercer, yellow complected, twenty one years old, occupation washer and seamstress; born in Virgina
  Robert Mercer, yellow complected, eighteen years old, occupation barber; born in Virginia
  Julia Mercer, yellow complected, sixteen years old, occupation washer and seamstress, born Georgia.
  Elizabeth Mercer, yellow complected, twelve years old, occupation washer and seamstress; born in Georgia
  Mary Ellen Mercer, yellow complected; then years old, occupation washer and seamstress; born in Georgia.
  Laura Antoinett Virginia Mercer, yellow complected, six years old; born in Georgia
  Patsy Norman, yellow complected, forty two years old, occupation washer and seamstress; born in Virgina
  Anna Norman, yellow complected, twenty-five years old, occupation washer and seamstress, born in Virgina
  Willis Norman, yellow complected, seventeen years old, occupation, farmer; born in Georgia
  Eliza Norman, yellow complected, fifteen years old, occupation washer and seamstress, born in Georgia
   Parala Norman, yellow complected, thirteen years old, occupation washer and seamstress, born in Georgia
  Aaron Goines, dark complected thirty years old, occupation barber; born in Virginia
  Tom Toliver, dark complected, thirty-two years old, occupation a farmer, born in Maryland.
 Notice is hereby given to all free persons of color residing in this county, that unless they come forward and register their names, give bonds, &c, within the time prescribed, the requistions of the law will be rigogoulsy catered against them. John R. Wootan, C. I. C. January 29, 1828.

May 5, 1828
Macon Telegraph
MARRIED. In Baldwin county, 24th ultimo, Dr. Thomas B. Gorman, of Forsyth, to Miss Martha Ann Searcey, daughter of Wm. Searcey, esq.

May 26, 1828
Macon Telegraph
DIED - In Milledgeville, on the 12th instant, Mr. Vinson Ferlis Vickers,a native of South Carolina, but a resident of that town for twenty-one years, aged thirty-six

July 5, 1828
Southern Recorder
DIED in this place on Sunday night the 29th ult. after a lingering illness, Mrs. POLLY W. JENKINS, aged 53 years. In the death of Mrs. J., society has been deprived of a truly valuable member-Her numerous and intimate acquaintances will ever cherish her memory with the fondest recollection.
October 13 1828
Macon Telegraph
Married, In Milledgeville, on the 2d inst. Rev. Charles Hardy to Miss Emily Reynolds.

October 20 1828
Macon Telegraph
It is with deep regret we have to announce the demise of Doctor Charles Williamson, of Milledgeville, who died  suddenly on Thursday last of an attack of cholera morbus. Dr. W. was a man of a fine mind and liberal attainments; and his death is universally lamented.

November 1 1828
Macon Telegraph
DIED.   In Henry county, Alabama, on the 17th Sept. after a protracted and violent attack of bilious fever, Col. William C. Watson, a native of North Carolina, and formerly a citizen of Baldwin County.
  In Milledgeville, on the 19th ult. Dr. Lewis H. Kenan, at the age of 31 years.

November 17, 1828
Macon Telegraph
MARRIED, In Milledgeville, on the 7th inst. by the Rev. Thomas Golding, Dr. Benjamin F. Owens to Mrs. Almyria A. Hargroves.

December 30, 1828
Connecticut Courant
Milledgeville, (Geo.) Dec. 13. Earthquake - Between nine and ten o'clock on the morning of the 11th inst., a slight shock was felt in Milledgeville. It continued about five seconds, and was preceded by a rumbling noise proceeding from the west and resembling distant thunder. The concussion affected the windows and doors so as to produce some rattling. The weather was unusually calm: not a breath of wind was perceptible; the atmosphere was warm, ..charged with a slight haze assuming in the western horizon the appearance of dense smoke or clouds. - Statesman.

December 31, 1828
Providence Patriot & Columbian Phenix
Milledgeville, Geo. Dec. 15
The Weather - We have another most remarkable winter. It is now the middle of December, and we have had very little frost. For some time past, the thermometer has stood within a degree or two of summer heat, at mid-day. We have a damp heavy atmosphere. The bats are abroad of evenings, and the musquetoes, yet, occasionally, like Virgil's bees, invite to sleep by their gentle buzzing. We had a slight shock of an Earthquake the other day' and Encke's comet, the coming of which has been predicted by the star gazers, is said to be visible now through an ordinary telescope.

January 24, 1829
Macon Telegraph
Married - In Baldwin county, by Charles Williamson, Esq., Williamson Worthy, Esq. of Upson county, to Miss
Mary Little.
In Henry county, on the 13th inst. by James Sellers Esq. Doctor F. A. E. Huson, of Milledgeville, to Miss Amelia Cloud.

February 11, 1829
Augusta Chronicle and Georgia Advertiser
DIED, On the 2d instant, near Milledgeville, in the 80th year of his age, Mr. William McGehee, sen'r. He was a valuable soldier of the Revolution, and fought in the battles of Brandywine and Guilford.

July 11, 1829
Southern Recorder
  Col. ABNER HAMMOND, an old Revolutionary patriot, and for a  number of years Secretary of State, in returning from this place to his residence on the opposite side of Fishing creek late Thurssday evening last, it is supposed was unfortunately drowned. The creek had been much swollen by the late rains, and in all probability, he, not having noticed particularly its height and rapidity, rode into it, and was washed by the force of the current from his horse. Col. H's body, though diligent search has been made, has not yet been found.

July 23, 1829
   We learn from the Milledgeville Statesman, that the body of Col. Abner Hammond, who was unfortunately drowned in attempting to cross Fishing Creek during the late freshet, was found in the Oconee several miles below that town, and on the 14th inst. interred with Military and Masonic honors.

August 15, 1829
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ Departed this life on the 6th inst., OLIVER M. CURTIS, Attorney at Law. For three weeks he was violently afflicted with Hemoptysis. He was a native of Boston, educated at Cambridge, and a ripe scholar. - But few of his years were spent amongst us - during that period, he had, by his proper conduct, accompanied with agreeable suavity, secured to himself a circle of friends and acquaintance highly respectable. He was but young in the ranks of his profession, but his prospect for success was highly flattering. He possessed a mind of superior order, well stored with solid as well as fanciful matter. He has left a father and mother, brothers and sisters in Massachusetts to lament his loss and a loss he is, for few have had such a son, or such a brother....

August 29, 1829
Macon Telegraph
At the regular term of the Superior Court for Baldwin County, Judge Cobb presiding which commenced on the 17th inst. two cases were tried  which excited a good deal of interest. The one of Martha Ellington against John Duncan, for Breach of Promise of Marriage and the other, the suit of George W. Murray, Cashier of the Branch of the Darien Bank, against Maj. John A. Jones, for slander. In the first case, the jury gave three hundred dollars, and in the last, nine thousand dollars damages.

September 23, 1829
DIED, At Scottsboro', on the 23d ult., MACPHERSON BERRIEN, infant son of the late Judge Davies.

September 19, 1829
Providence Patriot & Columbian Phenix
DIED. In Milledgeville, 22d ult. Rev. George Hill, stationed preacher of the methodist Church.


February 13, 1830
Augusta Chronicle
The Scottsboro' Female ACADEMY
Will open again on the FIRST MONDAY in January, 1830. Young Ladies can be accommodated with Board in respectable families on moderate terms.
   The Principal would make no extraordinary pretensions in relation to conducting this Seminary. He desires that his past efforts may be taken as pledges of his capability and anxiety to be faithful.
    It would be well, however, to state, that the situation is well calculated to promote the health and facilitate the improvement of pupils. No greater testimony of the health of the place can be desired, than that a considerable number of young ladies have resided here for nearly two years without one attack of fever, or any indisposition in the smallest degree alarming. Further, the nature of the soil is so absorbent, that after the heaviest rain the earth is dry enough in a short time to admit of walking without wetting the shoes. The region being favored with a peculiarly dry atmosphere, children may walk to the Academy and pursue their studies before sun rise, without endangering health or comfort.
     The Borough is well supplied with water, which being slightly impregnated with iron, aids much as a stomach and general tonic, and ensures those most desirable handmaids of health, appetite and cheerfulness.
    While the society is respectable and intelligent, there are no stores to tempt youth to extravagance, nor parties of luxury and fashion given, to break in upon the even tenor of mind so necessary to mental improvement. In fine, here, in health and retirement, (without which no studies can be pursed to advantage,) the industrious pupil may find delights mingled with labor, and gather the rich rewards of application, in well regulated  habits and a cultivated understanding.
  Payment required in advance.
ROBERT C. BROWN, Principal
Scottsboro' Dec. 30

April 3, 1830
Southern Recorder
  MARRIED on Thursday last, by the Rev. W. P. Arnold, Mr. JAMES DUNCAN, of Milledgeville, to Miss NARCISSA PATTILLO, of Baldwin county.

June 24, 1830
City Gazette
   DIED - At Milledgeville, Ga. on the 4th inst. MRS. MARY BLEDSOE, wife of Robert Bledsoe, Esq. of Eatonton, Ga.

July 3, 1830
Southern Recorder
   MARRIED, in Savannah, on Thursday the 24th ult. by the Rev. Mr. Neufville, Maj. John S. Thomas, of this county, to Miss MARY BRYAN NEYLE, of the former place.

July 3, 1830
Macon Telegraph
   Married. At Milledgeville, on the 22d ult. by the Rev'd Dr. Pierce, Mr. Adolphus S. Rutherford, of Columbus, to Miss Susan R. Thweatt of Milledgeville.

August 14, 1830
Federal Union
~excerpt~ DIED, In Milledgeville on the morning of the 5th inst. Col. ROBERT R. RUFFIN, aged 42 years. His disease, the dropsey of the heart and lungs, was lingering, and excrutiating beyound description. His death was sudden, tho' not unexpected. A few minutes before his exit, he conversed with entire rationality. Col. Ruffin was an officer in the Army during the late war with Great Britain. After having been some time in the service, he was made Aid to Gen. Gaines, and was engaged in several battles. He was a brave officer-a gentleman of high and honorable feelings......
  He has left a bereaved widow and two fine boys to the care of a kind and indulgent Providence.

September 18, 1830
Macon Telegraph
Married, in Baldwin county, on Tuesday last by P. Northern, Esq., Mr. Archibald B. Worsham to MissVirginia P. Ellis, both of that county.

January 8, 1831
City Gazette
DEATHS. At Milledgeville, Ga., on the 21st ult. CHARLES C. BIRCH, of Apoplexy.

February 5, 1831
Macon Telegraph
Georgia - Talbot County. John N. Birch applies for letters of administration on the estate of Charles C. Birch, late of Baldwin county, deceased. 25th Jan 1831.

March 15, 1831
Federal Union
   MARRIED, on the 15th ult. by the Rev. Richey Denmon, OTAWAY W. VAUGHN, to the amiable MissJOANNAH B. JORDAN.

  ~excerpt~ OBITUARY.   We have seldom been called to notice a death more deeply and sincerely lamented than that of our worthy fellow-citizen,WYATT FOARD, Esq - It was as sudden and unexpected, as it was regretted. On Monday, the 7th instant, he was seized by sensations which assured him that death was upon him-summonded his wife and children around-bade them an everlast adieu-and in hour, was in eternity.

March 19, 1831
Macon Telegraph
Died in Baldwin county, on the 11th instant, from a violent attack of inflammatory fever,Captain Goodwin Myrick, of Baldwin county, aged fifty-two years.

April 23, 1831
Macon Telegraph
DIED. In Milledgeville, on the 4th instant, Mr. Thomas C. Clay of Bourdon county, Kentucky, aged twenty-six years.
  At Milledgeville, on the 18th instant, Virginia, infant daughter of A.B. and Jane Tannin of Savannah.

May 17, 1831
The Gettysburg Compiler
Letters received at Savannah, state that the Penitentiary of the State of Georgia and the county Jail, at Milledgeville, were destroyed by fire on the night of the 2d inst. The fire is supposed to have been communicated by design. One of the prisoners, named Jasper Wilkinson, who was awaiting his trial on a charge of having robbed the United States mail in January last, effected his escape. -The loss is estimated at about $150,000.

May 26, 1831
Georgia Journal
   DIED - In Milledgeville, on the 15th inst Mrs. NARCISSA DUNCAN, consort of Mr. James Duncan. She was an acceptable member of the Methodist Church, and gave assurances to her friends on her death bed of a full expection of a happy immortality.

June 21, 1831
Baltimore Patriot
On Sunday before last, Mrs. M'Daniel, of Baldwin County, Georgia, was delivered of three sons at a birth, all of whom are doing well.

August 20, 1831
The Macon Telegraph
DIED, In Milledgeville on Saturday night last, Abraham Fannin, youngest child of Dt. T. Fort, aged 19 months.

August 25, 1831
Southen Recorder
(Communicated) Departed this life, on the 26th July, at his residence in Baldwin county, JESSE DOLES, Sen'r, in his 80th year, a soldier of the Revolution, and for between forty-five and fifty years had been a worthy member of the Methodist Church; and it is believed by his most intimate acquaintances enjoyed "a good hope through grace." So he lived and so he died, the straight forward honest man, the humble christian.
 The mortal pang is past,
the Christian's gone at last,
To share the holy joys above
Of everlasting love.

March 15, 1832
Southern Recorder
Clerk's Office, Baldwin Inferior Court. The following is a list of Free persons of color, who have registered their name in my Office, according to the requisitions of the 5th section of an act, passed December 19th, 1818.
Name, Age, Residence, Occupation, Place of Nativity
Viney, Moss, 30, Presley Spinks, Cook, Warren county
Mary Moss, 14, do, do.,
Berry Moss, 9 do., do.
Ellick Moss, 5 do., do.
George Moss, 3 do., do.
Ephraim Moss, 1 do., do.
Martin Smothers, 27, Milledgeville, Farmer, Putnam county
Tom Taliaferro, 40, near Salem, Farmer, Maryland
Joe Butler alias Joe Holt, 46 do., Farmer, Georgia
Patsey Norman, 46, Milledgeville, Washer, Iron, &c., Virginia
Mary Ann Norman, 27, do., Washer, do.
Paralee Norman, 16, do., Washer, Georgia
Willis Norman, 20, do., Blacksmith, do.
Augustus Norman, 13, do., do., do.
Robert Mercer, 21, do., Barber, Virginiaaa
Elizabeth Mercer, 14, do. Washer, Georgia
Mary Ellen Mercer, 12, do., Seamstress, do.
Notice is hereby given, that certificates will be granted to each applicant, if no objection are made, on or before the second Monday in April next. R. H. Smith, Clk. March 12

April 2, 1832
DIED in Milledgeville, on the 25th ultimo, Mrs. ESTHER TORRANCE, aged 66 years.

July 12, 1832
Federal Union
MARRIED - On Tuesday evening the 10th inst. by I. T. Cushing, Esq. Mr. THOMAS HIGGINBOTHAM, of the firm of Fogle & Higginbotham, to Miss
MARY CAROLINE MASON, all of this place.
   On the same evening, by the Rev. Myles Green, Mr. JACOB FOGLE, of this place, of the firm of Fogle & Higginbotham, to Miss ANN L. TURNER, of Putnam.

September 27, 1832
Georgia Journal
DIED - On the 9th inst at my house, in Baldwin county, Georgia, about 8 miles below Milledgeville, a man named DAVID BARRY- He was a native of Ireland and has, as I understand, a brohter in Cincinnati, Ohio, and may have other relations elsewhere for whose information this article is published. I could obtain but little information from the deceased - He was delerious when he was left by a waggoner at my house, and continuted so, or nearl so, during the three or four days that he lived. Sept 27 SOLOMON ROBINSON.

August 1, 1832
Macon Telegraph
DIED. On the 20th July, in Baldwin county, the Rev. S. B. Townsend, of the Presbyterian church, a native of Rhode Island.

December 5, 1832
Georgia Telegraph
    (Married) On Thursday evening, 15th inst. by B. P. Stubbs Esq Mr. Zadock J. Daniel of Macon, to MissNancy Ann West, of Baldwin county.

December 18, 1832
Southern Patriot
Homicide - We learn by last night's Mail, says the Augusta Chronicle, that on Wednesday last, Mr. Lemuel Smith, principal Tragedian of the Theatre in Milledgeville, was killed by a pistol shot fired by Mr. Wm. Flournoy of Eatonton, who died, and had not since been heard of. The Jury of Inquest returned a verdict of Murder.


April 17, 1833
Georgia Telegraph
DIED - In Milledgeville on Sunday last very suddenly, Mr. Dennis Mahoney, late of Lincoln county,
  On Saturday last,Ann Elizabeth, daughter of Dr. T. Fort, aged 19 months. The cause of this infant's death was as singular as the circumstances were distressing. Some time on Friday, it is now known at what hour, having by some means got hold of a box of percussion caps, she swallowed an unknown number of them, 25 of which were afterwards brought up by an emetic. That event furnished the first evidence of what was on her stomach, and it was then too late for remedy. Her subsequent agonies were the dreadful consequences of so deadly a poison as antimony and the other ingredients of the fulminating power contained in the caps.

November 6, 1833
Federal Union
MARRIED, in Milledgeville, on the 4th inst. by P. B. Stubbs, Esq. Mr. ROBERT R. SLAPPEY, to Miss MARY EXUM, both of Twiggs county.

November 21, 1833
Georgia Telegraph
   The roof of the State House in Milledgeville caught fire on Saturday last, and was considerably injured before the flames were extinguished.
  A serious affray took place at McComb's Tavern in Milledgeville on Tuesday night, in which Henry C. Byron was killed, and Wm. Ward dangerously wounded.
   The House of Representatives yesterday refused to pass the reconsidered bill for the pardon of Johnson.
   The Races in Milledgeville have attracted vast crowds of people-the place is literally crammed.

December 4, 1833
Georgia Journal
DIED - On the 26th ult. at Scottsborough, of Scarlet Fever, LOUISA LEONORA, daughter of Judge Lamar, aged three years, five months, and twenty-four days.

December 13, 1833
The Farmer's Cabinet
John Johnson, a preacher, convicted of the murder of his wife's sister, a girl about 13 years of age, was hung at Milledgeville, Geo., on Nov. 22d.-He has left a long written statement, which is said to be in relation to the circumstances of the case, and that he asserted his innocence to the last. His petition for a pardon was submitted to the Legislature, and rejected by a vote of 100 to 65.

January 23, 1834
Georgia Telegraph
Directors of the Central Bank of Georgia:
Tomlinson Fort, Robert McComb, and Richard K. Hines

Inspectors and Officers of the Penitentiary.
Inspectors: William D. Jarratt, John A. Cuthbert, Benjamin A.. White.
Principal Keeper - Charles C. Mills
As'nt keepers - Hardy P. Humphrey, James Berryhill, Charles L. Bradley, Jacob T. Choat
John Miller - Bookkeeper;
Baradel P. Stubbs, Collecting Clerk;
Dr. Tomlinson Fort, Physician;
John G. Polhill, Attorney

Military Store- Keepers
John H. Currie, at Milledgeville
Francis M. Stone, at Savannah
Charles D. Hammond, Capt. of the State House Guard

January 23, 1834
Georgia Telegraph
The Standard of Union, edited by Thomas Haynes, has been removed from Sparta to Milledgeville. It fearlessly advocates, as heretofore, the doctrines of the Union party.

February 26, 1834
Federal Union
MARRIED, on Thursday evening, 13th inst. in Eatonton, Putham county, by the Rev. L. Collinsworth, Mr. WILLIAM H. M'GEHEE, to Miss LUCY ANN B. GREENE, daughter of the Rev. Myles Greene.

~excerpt~DIED, on the 13th ins. in Gwinnett county, after a painful confinement of many months, (from cancer of the breast) Mrs. SARAH BETTS, wife of Elisha Betts, Esq., and sister of Col. Mills of Milledgeville, aged about forty-seven years....member of the Baptist Church...Children she had none;....funeral will be preached at BETHEL, near Warsaw, Gwinnett county, on the fifth Sabbath in March next.

March 7, 1834
Nashville Banner
 The Milledgeville Times of the 5th inst. says: - "On Monday last the trial of W. B. Flournoy, indicted for the murder of Lemuel Smith, occupied the Court. The plea in behalf of the prisoner was self-defence. The investigation commenced at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and ended about half past 10 in the evening; at which time the cousel commenced their arguments to the jury; the case was closed on the part of the State a little before 5 o'clock in the morning. The Jury retired about 10 minutes, and returned a verdinct of not guilty.
  "Counsel for the prisioner, S. Rockwell, A. H. Kenan, I. L. Harris, and John A. Cuthbert, Esqrs.
  "Counsel for the prosecution, S. Smith, R. A. Beall, and Sol. Gen. E. Y. Hill, Esqrs. Charl. Courier.

August 1, 1834
Ohio Repository
Suicide- Judge Lamar of Georgia, shot himself on  the 4th inst. He left on his desk a letter to his wife and children.

September 17, 1834
Southern Recorder
DEPARTED this life on the 3d inst., at his resience in Scottsboro', after an illness of a few hours, JAMES BOZEMAN, Esq. That the deceased, no man was more generally known throughtout the State, having been engaged in public life from his youth. He has left a wife and three children to lament his loss. As a husband, parent and master, he was affectionate and kind.

October 16, 1834
Macon Weekly Telegraph
The Rev. James Sterly and John Ross are expected to preach, by the Divine permission, at the following Baptist Churches, on the days mentioned, at 11 o'clock.
Mount Paran, Crawford Monday, Nov. 3d
Macon, Bibb, Wednesday " 4th
Flat Shoal, Jones, Wednesday " 5th
Fishing creek, Baldwin, Thursday, " 6th
Island creek, Hancock, Friday, " 7th
Mount Olives, Baldwin, Saturday, " 8th
The Milledgeville papers are respectfully requested to publish these appointments. Oct. 16 1834-17

Nov 1834
The Southern Recorder
Brinkley Babb married in Hancock County by Thomas H. Kenan, Esq.Missouri Ann Harris, daughter of Samuel Harris of Hancock County.

February 12, 1835
Georgia Telegraph
 The unprecedented cold weather of the past week has nearly suspended all business. It has produced a good deal of sickness, and several deaths.
  The cold on Sunday was without doubt the intensest ever experienced in Georgia. As stated by our correspondent below, the thermometer at daybreak in this place stood at two and a half degrees below zero! In Milledgeville at sunrise it stood at nine degrees below zero! In Augusta same time at two below. The weather has since been considerably moderated.

July 28, 1835
Southern Recorder
MARRIED,  On the 20th inst., at the house of Mr. Henry Hicks, by the. Rev. Malcom Johnson, Mr. THOMAS FARR of Milledgeville, to Miss MARTHA ANN HICKS, of Hancock county.

August 13, 1835
Georgia Telegraph
  At the term of Baldwin superior court, which has just closed, JACKSON MAHON, a youth about eighteen years of age, resident in Milledgeville was convicted of the murder ofMARTIN SMITH, a citizen of this county. The testimony against the prisoner was only circumstantial, and if he is the perpetrator of the fatal act, his guilt was mitigated by the fact that his feelings were exasperated by a combat at the moment pending between his brother and the deceased, who was much the stonger man. Under the human provisions of the penal code of 1833, and influenced in part, we believer, by this mitigating circumstance, Judge John G. Polhill, who presided, commuted the punishment of death for perpetual imprisonment and hard labor in the Penitentiary. This is the first example of the operation of this part of our penal system. Fed. Union.

September 15, 1835
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~  DIED, in this place on Tuesday evening the 8th inst. ROBERT MOORE, only son of Mr. Anthony Newsom, aged 5 years, 5 months and 24 days.

December 18, 1835
Salem Gazette
 At Milledgeville, Geo. Mr. Harrington, the celebrated Equestrian. He was preparing to open the Circus, when seized with bilious fever, he ended his earthy trampoline.

Janurary 21, 1836
Macon Georgia Telegraph
Died.    At Milledgeville, on the 15th inst. of pulmonary consumption Mrs Lucinda Hunt, consort of Wilkins Hunt, Esq. in her twenty-ninth year. Her calm and virtuous spirit departed in peace, being sustained by a joyful hope in her  REDEEMER.
   At his residence in Monroe county, on the 15th inst. Dr. George A. Brown, late of Milledgeville in the 57th year of his age.

June 9, 1836
Federal Union
MARRIED, in Baldwin county, Ga., on the 2d instant, by James Jolly Esq. Mr. GEORGE W. TURNER, of Warren county, to Miss RETINCIA M. A. BOYINGTON, youngest daughter of Moses Boyington Esq. of Baldwin county.

June 9, 1836
Federal Union
~excerpts~ DIED, at Clifton, in the county of Baldwin, on the night of the 22d ultimo, Mrs. MARY BRYAN THOMAS, wife of John S. Thomas Esq. after a short but painful illness..Her own mother died when she was yet a child, and her father, Samson Neyle Esq. having married again, sent Mrs. Thomas and her sister, Miss Neyle, to the North, where they were educated, and remained until their age and acquirements fitted them for entering on the duties of social and elegant life...Her grandmother was a daughter of Jonathan Bryan Esq. one of the first settlers of Georgia, and one of the finest patriots of the revolution, and was married to John Morel Esq. also attached to the principals of the revolution, of which Mrs Thomas and her surviving weeping sister, with others long deceased, are the issue...disconsolate husband and four infant children. ...worthy member of the Episcopal church....

June 14, 1836
The Republican Compiler (Gettysburg, Pa)
     The Milledgeville Journal, of the 31st says- "Major General Winifield Scott, charged as we understand, with the command and direction of the campaign against the Creek Indians, arrived by stage in this place on Saturday evening. Brigadier General Jessup, and Major Kirby, of the United States army, were with him.
     Major General Scott, on his arrival, appointed Augustus H. Kenan, Esq. of Milledgeville, one of his aide-de-camp.
   "On Sunday morning, Gen. Scott, Gen. Jessup, Maj. Kirby, Gov. Schley and Maj. Patterson one of the aids of Maj. Gen. Sanford of the Georgia Troops, left in the stage for Columbus. Maj. A. H. Kenan, we understand, will join the staff of Gen. Scott, at Columbus, on Thursday next."
Baltimore Amer.


January 10, 1837
Federal Union
MARRIED, on the 29th ult. by James Jolly Esq. Mr. JOHN E. CHAMBERS, formerly of Virginia, to Miss  ELIZA MARTIN, daughter of Maurice Martin of Baldwin County Ga. "There dwelt no joy in Eden's rosey bower, 'Till Hymen brought his love deighted hour."

January 24, 1837
Federal Union
DIED. on the 12th instant, at the house of his brother, in the vicinty of this place, of an inflammatory attack, WILLIAM ORME, in the 51st year of his age.

February 7,1837
Southern Recorder
  DIED, in this place, on the 27th ultimo, Miss ELIZA ANN SMITH, in the 17th year of her age.

February 7,1837
Southern Recorder
  MARRIED, on thursday evening, the 19th ult., by John R. Smith, Esq., Mr. THOMAS W. HARRIS to Miss NANCY ROBINSON, all of Baldwin county.

March 21, 1837
Macon Georgia Telegraph
DIED.    In Milledgeville on Friday night last, Major Thomas H. Kenan, U.S. Marshall for the District of Georgia, and one of our oldest and most respected inhabitants.
  In Milledgeville, on the morning of the 14th inst. Mrs. Margaret S. Wright consort, of Mr. Pryor Wright, of this place in the 35th year of her age.

April 4, 1837
Southern Recorder
DIED, in this city, on Tuesday, 28th March, Mr. WALTER JONES, in the 46th year of his age. 

April 18, 1837
Federal Union
   MARRIED, in this City at the State Rights Hotel, on Wednesday, the 12 inst. by the Rev. Mr. John W. Baker, Mr. E. J. DELUGALE, of Liberty county, to Miss ACHSA E. ALLEN of Laurens county.
   DIED, in Milledgeville, on the 12th day of April,Mrs. ELIZABETH A. FOARD, consort of Mr. Thomas Foard, in the fifty-second year of her age.

April 25, 1837
Federal Union
   Died, on Saturday, the 15th inst., in Baldwin county, Mrs. JANE M. TORRANCE, in the 34th year of hr age, the wife of William H. Torrance, Esq. and daughter of Peter Crawford, of Columbia county. She was a member of the Methodist Church, and died in the full conviction of the assurance of a bless immortality. As a wife and a mother, she was truly kind, devoted and affectionate. As a member of society, she fulfilled her duty. None knew her  loss but her family.

April 27, 1837
Macon Georgia Telegraph
Died.  In Milledgeville, on the 22d instant, General D. B. Mitchell.
  In Baldwin county, on the morning of the 20 inst. Miss Arammia L. Moore, age  18 years, 8 months, 20 days.

May 2, 1837
Federal Union
DIED, of Erysipelas, in this city, on the 17th inst. Mr. ROBERT PATTON, in the 49th year of his age. He was a native  of North Carolina, where he learned the watch-making business, since his coming to this state, which was about 17 or 18 years ago. He was a first rate mechanic, and an honest man.
   DIED, at his residence, in Baldwin County, on the 10th day of April, Mr. WILLIAM WILD, in the 25th year of his age. In the death of this gentleman, Baldwin county has been deprived of one of its most valuable citizens. It is true, he made no pretensions to religion, either in life or in his death-but was strickly moral in all his deportment. He was a friend to humanity, and to his country, and was beloved by those that knew him. But he is gone to the place whence he shall ne'er return, until the heaven's be no more. He has left a widow and two small children, to mourn the loss of a tender husband and affectionate father.

June 20, 1837
Federal Union
  DIED, on the 18th instant, aged twenty-three years, eleven months and twenty-one days, Mrs. ELIZABETH J. KEY, wife of Rev. C. W. Key, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Milledgeville, and daughter of Rev. Joshua and Ann Hames of Jasper county, Ga., she had been a member of the church nearly eleven years.....

August 8, 1837
Federal Union
MARRIED, in New Haven, Connecticut, on the 10th ins., by Rev. Mr. Sawyer, Mr. CHARLES A. ELLIS of Milledgeville, Ga. to Miss SUSAN M. AUGUR of the former city.

August 8, 1837
Federal Union
~excerpt~ DIED, in this place, on the 31st ultimo, of Cholera Infantum, MARY OPHELIA, infant daughter of Alfred M. and
Sarah S. Nisbet, aged sixteen months and three weeks.

  On the morning of the 1st inst., at the Helicon Springs, of protracted liver complaint, Mrs. MARGARET H., consort of
James L. Delaunay, of Milledgeville.

August 22, 1837
Federal Union
MARRIED, in Baldwin county on the 17th instant, by J. Palmer, Esq. Mr. JOSEPH N. MILLER to Miss JANE BOYINGTON, all of said county.

August 22, 1837
Federal Union
~excerpt~ DIED, in Milledgeville, on the 10th instant, CATHARINE JOHNSTON, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herty, aged seven months and twelve days.

October 17, 1837
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, on Thursday evening, the 12th inst., by John S. Stephens, Esq., Mr. O. H. P. BONNER, to Miss SARAH ANN P. TURK, all of this county.

DIED, in Milledgeville, Ga., on the morning of the 10th inst., Mr. JOHN MCWHIRT, a native of Spottsylvania county, Virginia, but for the last six years a resident of this city.

November 21, 1837
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On Thursday evening last, by John S. Stephens, Esq. Maj. JAMES MCCRARY, to Miss MARY M. E. JENKINS, daughter of Walter D. Jenkins.

November 21, 1837
Southern Recorder
   DIED, In Baldwin county, on Sunday evening, the 4th Inst., at the resdience of her step-father, Mr. James M. Palmer, after 11 days severe illness of congestive fever, Miss SUSAN P. MATHIS, in the 15th year of her age. In preparing this brief note, the writer feels it due departed worth, to say that she was truly amiable, and in few (if any) were blended more fully the character of the affectionate and dutiful child-the kind sister and sincere friend; and her memory is imperishably written in the affections of a devoted and pious mother, and other connexions and acquaintances, who live to mourn their irreparable loss. During her last illness, she remained in the exercise of her proper mind, thought she was not able to concerse much so as to be understood, but indured her sufferings with great patience, and apparent resignation. B. R.

November 28, 1837
Federal Union
DIED, at his residence, in this county, on the 23d instant, of a disease with which he had been afflicted for the last sixteen years of his life, Mr. JAMES D. JARRATT, in the 31st year of his age.

January 30, 1838
Southern Recorder
MARRIED. In this city, on Thursday evening, 13th inst., by the Rev. C. W. Key, Mr. WM. H. ATWOOD, of Columbus, Ga., to Miss SARAH A. E., daughter of Thomas Foard, Esq.

January 30, 1838
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On the 18th inst., by his honor Judge Hudson, of Eatonton, Mr. THOMAS M. GREENE, of Baldwin county, to Miss MARTHA FRANCIS PRESLY, daughter of Mr. Thomas Presley.

March 5, 1838
Macon Georgia Telegraph
Married. In Milledgeville on the 25th ult by the Rev. John W. Baker, Col. Wilkins Hunt of Macon, to Miss Julia Ann, daughter of George Root.

April 10, 1838
Southern Recorder
  Died of the Quinesy, at the residence of Harper Tucker, in Baldwin county, on the 1st inst., Mrs. MILLET BIVINS, in the 73d year of her age. It is useless to say anything of the character of this amiable woman: suffice it to say, she has for many years been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and in the death of this aged mother, her children have lost a tender and affectionate parent.

April 17, 1838
Federal Union
~excerpt~ Died in the City, on the Morning of the 12th instant, at 8 o'clock, Mr.WILLIAM A. GODWIN in the 19th year of his age.
  The deceased has for serveral years assisted his widowed mother in superintending the house of entertainment kept by her in the place, where the disorder became seated which terminated his life. He was afflicted for serveral months past with Pulmonary Consumption, which he bore with great patience, and with Christian resignation.....
  leaving a mother and a brother...

May 1, 1838
Federal Union
~excerpt~ MARRIED - In this city on the morning of the 25th ult.,  by the Rev. George Pierce, Mr. P. A. KING of the city of Augusta, Ga. to Miss JOSEPH ANNA, daughter of Joseph Stovall Esq. of this place.

May 1, 1838
Federal Union
~excerpt~ MARRIED - On the 29th of April, by the Rev. C. W. Key, Mr. THOMAS FOARD of Milledgeville to Mrs. S. SMITH, of Jones County.

May 19, 1838
Macon Telegraph
Milledgeville - By the census taken a week or two since, it appears, that our white population amounts to eight hundred and thirty-one, and the colored, including slaves and free negroes, to seven hundred and sixty-eight-making a total of fifteen hundred and ninety-nine, exclusive of 93 convicts in the Penitentiary, and twelve citizens employed as guards.

July 3, 1838
Southern Recorder
  Died in Milledgeville on Thursday morning last, 28th June, Miss SARAH HUDSON, in the 47th year of her age.

August 20 1838
Macon Georgia Telegraph
Union Nomination For Baldwin County. At a meeting of the Union party, held at McComb's Hotel on Saturday the 11th inst. the following gentlemen were nominated to supply the place of the former nomination, all of whom had declined. Geo. Leeves, Senate. Chas. D. Hammon, Richard Rowell, Representatives. Standard of Union.

September 3, 1836
The Newport Mercury
A slight shock of an Earthquake was felt in Milledgeville and vicinity on the morning of the 17th.

October 16, 1838
Macon Georgia Telegraph
In Milledgeville, Geo. on the 3d instant, by Rev. Sr. Brantly, of Charleston, S.C. JOSEPH W. WILSON, of Montgomery, Al. to Miss AMANDA LAWRENCE, youngest daughter of of George R. Clayton, Esq.

October 16, 1838
Federal Union
MARRIED, In Washington county, on the 7th inst. by Lee Rives, Esq., Mr. Dioclesian Davis, of Baldwin county, to Miss Elizabeth Buck, of the former county.

November 6, 1838
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ From the Nashville Banner. In the Banner of Saturday, was announced the death of Mrs. ELIZA J. DICKINSON, in the 22d year of her age. She was the consort of the Hon. D. W. Dickinson of this State, and the daughter of the late Fleming Grantland, Esq., of Milledgeville, Ga.

November 13, 1838
Federal Union
DIED, In this city, on the evening of the 31st ultimo, after a violent attack of fever, Major OBADIAH ECHOLS, in the 31st year of his age-a citizen respected, and deeply lamented by a large circle of relatives and friends. He was buried on the evening of the 1st inst. with military honors, by the Metropolitan Greys, of which newly organized and spririted company he was an officer; and the service was attended by a very large concourse of citizens, who came forward upon the melancholy occasion to testify their respect for his character.
  "the hand of the reaper takes the ears that are hoary, But the voice of the weeper wails man in his glory."

February 12, 1839
Federal Union
MARRIED: On Friday evening, the 8th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Hillyer Mr. CHAS. W. CHOATE, to Miss SARAH RUSSEAU, all of this city.

February 12, 1839
Federal Union
~excerpt~ DIED: On Thursday afternoon, the 31st ultimo, Mrs. JEAN MONCURE ORME, wife of Richard M. Orme, one of the editors of the Southern Recorder.

February 26, 1839
Federal Union
Sudden Death - On Tuesday evening last, I. T. Cushing, Coroner, was called to view the body of  a man found dead in an out-house on the premise of the Globe Hotel. On the inquest, the deceased was recognized as Mr. C. S. BRYAN, a respectable citizen of Twiggs county. It appeared he had recently arrived from Augusta, where he had been on the transaction of business, and had taken and paid for a seat home, in the state that left on the evening of his decease; but on its departure, he could not be found. It was supposed his death was occasioned by a fit. Verdict of the Coroner's Jury- "Death by the visition of Providence." His remains were taken to Twiggs county for interment.

March 19, 1839
Macon Georgia Telegraph
MARRIED,  On the 7th inst. at the residence of  Mrs. Miller of Jones County, by the Rev. Mr. Henderson, Martin E. Edwards, Merchant of Milledgeville to Miss A.S. Miller, of Jones County.
     On the 7th inst. in Clinton, Jones County by Rev. Mr. Sinclair, Mr Jesse J. Jordan of Baldwin county, to Miss Amanda Billingslea.

April 9, 1839
Macon Georgia Telegraph
MARRIED.  On the 24th ult. by J. S. Stephens, Esq. Mr. Francis A. Cherry, of Baldwin county, to Mrs. Mary Ann McGuire, of Morgan county.

April 22, 1839
The Sun
Married, On the 18th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Duncan, Mr. Micajah Young, of Milledgeville, Georgia, to Miss Ann McMurry, of Baltimore.

April 23, 1839
Southern Recorder
MARRIED on Thursday evening the 11th inst., by Levin J. Smith, Esq., Mr. WILLIAM D. OWENS of Putnam county, to Miss MARTHA ANN WILSON, daughter of John Wilson sen., of Baldwin county.

April 23, 1839
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ Died of dropsy on Friday night last, April 12th, 1839, at the house of Mrs. Mary Whitaker,Mrs. SUSANNAH YOUNG, of Baldwin county, in the 79th year of her age.

May 14, 1839
Georgia Journal
  DIED, in this place, on the 11th inst., of a pulmonary disease, Mr. TITUS SKEENE, in the 25th year of his age. Mr. S. was a resident of Coweta county.

July 16, 1839
Georgia Journal
FATAL RECONTRE. On Saturday afternoon last, an individual by the name of Greene B. Musslewhite was shot in the street, opposite to Mr. Huson's Hotel, by Mr. John L. Ragsdale, and died in a few mintures afterwards. Mr. Ragsdale immediately delivered himself up to the Justices of the Inferior Court who, after hearing testimony in the case, bound him over to appear at Court in a bond of one thousand dollars, and two securities for th like amount. As the Court is now in session, we forbear commenting upon the causes which led to this termination of a personal difficulty between the parties concerned, both of whom have been for several years residents of our City. A Coroner's Inquest was held over the body of the decease, on Sunday morning, which returned a verdict in effect "that the deceased was killed by the discharge of a double-barrelled gun, by John L. Ragsdale, in self-defence."

July 16, 1839
Federal Union
DIED, In this city, on Thursday, the 11th inst. THOMAS EGBERT, infant child of Jeremiah Beall, aged 4 weeks.

August 6, 1839
 Macon Georgia Telegraph
Died at the residence of his son in Baldwin County on the 3d ult. Mr. Otey Prosser, in about the 80th year of his age, after lingering about 18 months with dead palsy. He served in the Revolutionary war with honor to himself and his country.

August 6, 1839
Macon Georgia Telegraph
DIED. On Thursday, the 1st instant, in this city, after an illness of seven or eight days, John Williams, Esq. Mr. Williams contracted his disease in the lower counties, and finding himself very ill, and desiring to be in the bosom of his family, he hastened to Macon, where he arrived exhausted with fatigue and disease, and survived only one week. The subject of this notice was born on the 10th April, 1782, in Bertie county, North Carolina, from which State his father emigrated to Georgia when his son was an infant. From his extreme youth at the period of his removal, he knew no other State than Georgia as the land of his nativity, and throughout a longer life than is usually allotted to man, he adhered to her interests with undeviating constancy. He was for many years a citizen of Baldwin county, which county he twice represented in the Senate of the State, and subsequently was placed by the Legislature at the head of the Treasury Department, which office he filled with ability, and fidelity. Endowed by nature with a vigorous intellect, and uniting thereto industry and frugality, he amassed a large estate. - Mr. Williams was distinguished for generosity and hospitality, and a friendship once formed, was never dissolved, with just cause. He has left a widow and a numerous family of children and grandchildren to mourn his loss.

August 20, 1839
Macon Georgia Telegraph
DIED.   At his residence near Milledgeville, on the 8th inst. Rev. Albert M. Egerton, aged 33 years, a native of Randolph, Vt., but for the last 11 years a resident of South Carolina and Georgia.

September 24, 1839
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ DIED in this city, on the night of the 17th instant, Mrs. LYDIA PIERCE, in the 75th year of her age.

October 8, 1839
Macon Georgia Telegraph
Public Sales. Will be sold on Monday the 18th day of November next, in the county of Baldwin, all the perishable property of the estate of John Williams, deceased, consisting of Negroes, Horses, Mules, Cattle, Sheep, and plantation utensils. The stock of Horses, Cattle and Sheep of imported breeds, and highly improved. Sale to take place at the Rock landing plantation, at 10 o'clock, A.M. R. S. Williams, J. J. Williams, N. G. Williams, Executors

October 15, 1839
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, on Tuesday monning last, by the Rev. Mr. Mosely, Mr. ROBERT B. BOSTWICK, to Miss ELOUISA F., youngest daughter of Thomas Foard, Esq., all of Milledgeville.

October 30, 1839
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In Milledgeville, on the 25th inst., by S. B. Brown, Mr. JAMES T. SANDERS to Miss RHODA ANN A. WOODARD.

November 4, 1839
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ DIED in this place, on Tuesday night, the 29th ult.Mrs. REBECCA PIERCE, wife of the Rev. Reddick Pierce, in the 54th year of her age........A husband, three daughters and three sons, a brother and sisters and numerous other relatives mourn the bereavement.

December 10, 1839
Federal Union
DIED, In this city, on the 1st instant of a lingering illness, in his 38th year, Mr. DENNIS A. BURKE, printer, formerly of New York, and lately of Milledgeville. He was employed in the office of this paper previous to his decease, and his quiet and correct deportment recommended him to our notice. Mr. Burker was a native of the county of Galway, Ireland, and emigrated to Americn from Dublin, in the year 1832. He was a member of the New York Typegraphical Society, and also of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. His last hours were solaced by all that friendship could perform, and he was laid in the silent grave with the regret of all who knew him here - Savannah Georgian.

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2004