Baldwin County, Ga. Towns,Communities & R.R. Stops
Allen Mill  East Baldwin. See  Old Mills
Andes Was post village in the northwestern part of the county, about 10 miles from Milledgeville, 3 miles from Meriwether Station. Population was 56in 1900. 
Black Springs Old community in East Baldwin on Sparta Hwy. Families: Moran, Babb, Collins, Chandler, Brooks, Gilmore. Post office here in 1854, Samuel G. Chandler was the postmaster. 
Blakeville Community North of Tan Yard Branch, Named for Dr. Frederick Blake who lived in the first plank framed house built North of the Tan Yard Branch about 1849
Blandy/Blandy Hills Was railroad stop for prison farm. Now public schools, football stadium  and Board Of Education facilities are located here.
Blood Town African-American settlement 1 mile from the sanitarium
Browns Crossing Community located on the Macon Hwy.49 (Old Garrison Road)  and Brown's Crossing Road.  Browm  Station,  named in honor of David Pickney Brown, was established here in 1880 on the Augusta and Macon Railroad. Post office  was established in 1877.  Population in 1910 - 75. Population in 1923 - 26. Brown, Chandler, Williamson, Bonner, and Digby are a few of the families that  lived here.
Carling was a railroad station in Midway near Allen's Sanitarium
Coopers/Cooperville Southwest Baldwin. Named after Thomas J. Cooper. Some Families: Cooper, Etheridge, Wood, Torrace, Gladin, Pierce
Copeco Was a post-hamlet located on Town Creek about 10 miles S. E. of Milledgeville. Families who lived here were:  Veal, Butler, Renfroe, Medlin, Jenkins,  Prosser, Giles, Bass, Tanner 
Dog Town Settlement on Fishing Creek, governor's first house was located here.
Dovedale Northwest Baldwin Co. Myricks and Stiles families lived here. Pop. 40 in 1923.
Federal Town Warehouse settlement near Rock Landing Garrison
Fort Fidius Federal fort on Oconee River
Fort Wilkinson Built 1797 on west bank of Oconee River
Hamp Brown Bottom An old African American community east of capitol square.  Named for Hamp Brown Jr. It did host a festival anually. 
Hardwick Created 1912, named after Governor Thomas Hardwick. Near Midway
Harrisburg Old African American community In Hardwick, named after Solomon Harris. The Union Recorder published a great news article on Saturday Feb. 25 2006 about the history of Harrisburg.  For those interested,  a copy of the newspaper is a must.
Johnsonville Old settlement near east bank of Oconee River, part of James Barrow's Beulah Plantation per 1838 advertisement.
Lintonville Community located  West of Oconee River 3/4 mile from county jail. Where the scaffolds were built on a hill when Mike Shaw (1877) & Frank Humphries  (1886) were hung.
Lonicera Post village located 11 miles from Milledgeville on Clinton-Milledgeville Rd. Post office was here in 1825 and the postmaster was Charles Hutchins. Col. Benjamin Hawkins had a plantation here.
Maryville Community located en East Baldwin. Maryville Academy was located here in 1890's, early 1900's. Familes: Ennis, Palmer, Moran
Meriwether Railroad Station/Post Office, Community NW county. Katherine F. S. Myrick was postmistress here in 1902.  Population 25 in 1910.  Population 100 in 1923. Harpers, Napiers, Wynns lived here.
Midway In 1848 was a village around the Oglethorpe University, 2 miles south of Milledgeville, halfway between Scottsboro and Milledgeville. In 1848 it contained 10 or 12 families. 
Milledgeville County Seat of Baldwin County. Created as state capital of Georgia from 1807 to 1868. Incorporated as a city in 1836.. John W. Devereaux was postmaster in 1816.  Population in 1910 - 4,385
Montpelier Old Montpelier near Oconee River was established in 1793,  The new Montpelier community on Hwy 22 East
Mount Pleasant Community in SW Baldwin. Families: Hubbards, Littles, Lingolds, Criswells, Beck, DuBose 
Myrick North Baldwin near junction of Little River and Oconee River. Named for Myrick family who lived here on their Riverside plantation on Little River. Myrick's ferry was here.
Oconee Old Town Was old Indian town south of Milledgeville on east side of Oconee River
Pancras Community and railroad stop on Central Railroad in  SW Baldwin Gordon Hwy area. Families: Wood, Pettigrew, Hubbard, Carmani, Overman. Was called Pancras in 1916
Rock Landing First fort on Oconee River
Salem was an old settlement in East Baldwin, formerly in Hancock County (1793), on the road to Fort Fidius. It was at the crossroads which led to Sparta and Sandersville about 4 miles from Milledgeville. In 1810 John Brown lived near here as well as George Simpson, Isham West, Deaborn Jones and Nathaniel D. Smith. . In 1816, John Greenlee lived near here  when he died  In 1816 135 acres of land adjoining Salem  was owned by Benjamin Bohanon.. In 1821 Henry Turnage had a lot here.  Wingate Hall had two houses and lots here in 1823. In 1848 it contained a small cluster of houses and a store.
Sandtown Northeast Baldwin, crossroads of Mt. Nebo Rd (Lake Laurel Rd.) and Sparta Hwy. Families: Youngblood, Chandler, Moran, Champion, Simmons, Osborne, Roberson, Dunn, King, Green
Scottsboro  Old community S of Milledgeville
Sintonville African- American settlement in northwestern part of city. New in 1878 and named for African-American John Sinton Sr., a harness maker from Virginia, who died in 1900.
Stevens Pottery Community south west Baldwin, 1 mile from Coopers, named after Henry Stevens. Population 200 in 1910 and 1923 
Talmadge Community near Midway. Oglethorpe University located here. Post office established  here in 1854, postmaster Reuben Nash; Re-established  in June 1869,
Trilby Community in south Baldwin/Toomsboro Hwy. near Black Creek in Scottsboro District.  Families here were Halls, Humphries, Barnes, Slater, Bland,
Richardson and Sibley 
The Colony South Baldwin. Was part of the State Asylum
Underwood Was a community in East Baldwin, near Hancock County line. 
Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2002