Baldwin County Ga. Civil War Regiments
 Co. H,  "Baldwin Blues" (Volunteers)
Diary of W.G. Whitaker
Casualties at Gettysburg
Regiment, Co. F, 
"Baldwin County Volunteers"
 Co. G. "Myrick Volunteers"
Outfitted by Stith Parham Myrick.
Charles G. Conn, Captain.
Only 10 remained to surrender at Appomattox
Co. H. " Independent Volunteers" 
Heavy casualities at Vicksburg. On leave before reassignment a homecoming picnic was held at Carrington Woods, over 1,000 people attended.
Walker, Scott, Hell's Broke Loose in Georgia, Survival In A Civil War Regiment, Scott Walker, 2005. A history of the Georgia 57th Infantry. 
Moore's Company, Baldwin Infantry,
Georgia State Troops
Six Months Local Defense Troops
7th Battalion
Battalion Co. C. "Baldwin Cavalry" 
State Guards, Local Defense Troops
Samuel G. White, Capt.
Caraker's Company, Ga Infantry 
"Milledgeville Guards"
Six Months Local Defense Troops
Governor's Horse Guards
( Phillip's Legion)
Pruden's Battery Artillery 
(State Troops)

University Guards 

Jordan Grays, Capt. Pratt

26th Battalion
 Georgia Infantry 
(Reserve Corps) Company A 
Co. B. Regiment Georgia Reserves
3rd Ga Reg. Reserves Casualties
Dec. 6 & 9, 1864
Georgia Infantry (State Guards) Co. F
9th Regiment, Georgia 
Co. F, Independent Volunteers
 Co. H., 2nd Ga. Batt., State Troops
"Black Springs Rifles"
Captain Thomas W. White Flag

Local Defense: 
Armory Guards

First Georgia Regulars, Companies H & I,
Original officers: Capt. Lewis Kenan, Miller Greive, Jr, Marshall deGraffenreid, Tomlinson Fort, John P. Fork, Pierce Horne, Lieut. William Alexander "Ruff" Williams,
Civil War Soldiers and Sailors 
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                                   Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2004