Milledgeville/Baldwin County Georgia Homicides 1806 - 1983
1807 - 1879
Date Victim Charged, Suspect, Accessory Notes
1806 Capt. Rogers, white
of Hancock County
Isaac Monroe, white
Robert Case, white
Barney Pare, white 
found guilty, recommended to mercy. sentenced to be hanged at Hillsborough (court house of Baldwin, in current Putnam Co.) on Aug 23, 1806. Farmer's Gazette 8-23-1806
1806 ___Stephens, white J. W. Stephens, white
J. Stephens, white
Found guilty of manslaughter in killing their brother. Punishment was burning in the hand. Augusta Chronicle Aug 30, 1806
June 1807 Peyton T. Smith, white Two Slaves Shot while at supper. Slaves hung. Augusta Chronicle July 4, 1807 
Sep 1819 Capt. John Troutman, white Unknown Shot while in bed. Baltimore Patriot October 21, 1819
Apr 23, 1825 Raymond Knapp, white Mr. Macumber, white Knapp was killed with knife in affray. Macumber excaped, turned himself in June. Not charged. American  Mercury May 3, 1825
July 1826 Reuben Bradford Goodwin, white Henry R. Rogers, white Stabbed Rogers, Govenor's award. Augusta Chronicle  July 15, 1826.
Dec 1826 Pulaski, white
Moffitt, white
Penitentiary guards Shot while escaped from the penitentiary. Augusta Chronicle 12-20-1826
Nov 30, 1832 Elenor Bustin, white John A. Johnson, white Bustin was Johnson's 13 yr old sister-in-law found hung, Johnson found guilty - circumstantial evidence. Hung Nov. 22,  1833. He maintained his innocence til death. Southern Patriot Nov. 29, 1833
Dec 1832 Lemuel Smith, white William Flournoy, white Flournoy shot Smith in self defence, trial of 1834 he was found not guilty.  Southern Patriot Dec 18, 1832; Nashville Banner March 7, 1834
Nov 1833 Henry C. Byrom, white Robert McComb, white Macon Weekly Telegraph, Nov 21, 1833; Dec. 18, 1833. For more details see Remembering Milledgeville by Hugh T. Harrington
1835 Martin Smith, white Jackson Mahon, white 18 yr old Mahon was convicted on circumstantial evidence, sentenced to penitentiary for life. Pardoned by legislature Dec. 1840. Ga. Telegraph Aug 13, 1835
1839 Green B. Musslewhite, white John L. Ragsdale, white Self defense Georgia Journal, July 16, 1839
1839 Mr. Searcy, white Josiah Thompson, white defending his mother, got 2 years for manslaughter. Georgia Journal, July 23, 1839
July 8, 1841 Richard H. Sanford, white William Harris, white Georgia Journal, Federal Union July 13, 1841
Nov 20, 1841 Mansel J. Smith, white George W. Searcy
William Searcy
Affray Macon Weekly Telegraph Nov. 23, 1841; April 12, 1842
Oct  26 1842 John A Deane, white Cicero Buffington, white Deane, clerk of Inferior Court was stabbed to death. Milledgeville Recorder Nov 1, 1842
Nov 4, 1844 Thomas K. Fuller, white William Searcy, white Georgia Journal  Nov 12, 1844
Mar 1851 Mrs Amy G. Wright, white James Johnson. white Found guilty, sentenced to hang, pardoned  Nov. 1851. Federal Union
Sep 2, 1851
Apr 3 1852 John Sherisch, white Mortimer Sullivan, white
John Mabar, white
Southern Recorder Apr 6, 20, 1852 
Jan 11 1854

May 1862
William A. Ralston, white

Jesse Balcom, white
Archibald Hunt of Albany, white

W. J. Evans, white
Previous difficulties & accusation of cheating, Hunt shot Ralston in front of McComb's Hotel. The Georgia Telegraph Jan 17, 1854 (Hunt was acquitted.)

Killed in a rencounter at Treanor's Mill. Southern Recorder, May 13, 1862 .

1866 Elias Mahon, white Green Williams, black Sentenced to life in prison. June 5 1866,   Sept 4, 1866, Federal Union
1866 Boling Hall, black Thomas Simpson, white Stabbed several times, Simpson found not guilty.  Southern Recorder June 12, Sep 4, 1866
1866 W A Roberson, white John R Strother, white Southern Recorder Apr 10, 1866
July 4, 1868 Andrew McCrary, white Joseph H. Tucker, white Shot 4 times. Tucker acquitted.  Southern Recorder Jul 7, 1868, Federal Union  Nov 25. 1868 
Aug 14, 1868 Newton J. Pugh, white John T. Arnold, white Southern Recorder Aug 18, 1868; Aug 24, 1869; Aug 31.  The Journal of  Archibald McKinley  Aug 1869, found guilty of voluntary manslaughter
April 1869 Louisiana/Susannah Dumas, black Charles Mathis/Matthews, white Southern Recorder Apr 6, 13 1869, Federal Union & Southern Recorder  Nov 16, 1869 ;  Federal Union  Mar 08, 1870  Found not guilty
Sep 1869 Henry Trotmore, black J. Pickney Mimms, white Shot Trotmore who was employed by T. J. Bivins in the western part of county.  Sep 14, 1869 Federal Union
Nov 11 1869 Dick Williams,  black  George Hollinshead, white Federal Union & Southern Recorder  Nov 16, 1869 ; The Journal of Archibald McKinley  Nov 1869, Macon Telegraph Mar 15, 1870  Found not guilty, justifiable homicide
April 1870 Mr. Brickett/James J. Bricquet James A. P. Robson, white Brickett, overseer was shot Mr Robson. March 18, March 22  and April 19, 1870 Georgia Weekly Telegraph. 
Sept 1870 Simon Greer, black Berry Williams, black Justifiable homicide. Sep 20, 1870. Macon Weekly Telegraph
July 3, 1871 Capt. Lewis H. Kenan,
John R. Strother, white In April 1871 Kenan shot at  Strother with a shotgun in front of Moore & Co's Store; In May 1871 an attempt to set the house of Kenan on fire was made. On July 3, 1871 Strother shot and killed Kenan. Strother disappeared and was was killed by unknowns in Louisiana in Nov. 1888,  his body riddled with buckshot. Georgia Weekly Telegraph May 23,1871, May 30 1871, July 6, 1871, Daily Columbus Enquirer July  13 1871;Dallas Morning News  Nov 22, 1888. For more details see Remembering Milledgeville by Hugh T. Harrington
Jun 1871 Sam Jones, black Jim Nelson, black Struck with hoe.  Macon Weekly Telegraph June 20, 1871
Oct 9 1871 Adam Waller, black Taylor Brown, white Brown murdered him and then left the county. Oct 24, 1871, Georgia Weekly Telegraph 
April 1872 Daniel House, white Asylum inmate Struck on head with a spade and died the next day. Macon Weekly Telegraph  Apr 16, 1872 
Oct 1872 Levi Ross, black Henry Kittrell, black Killed over a woman. Put in trial in 1893, found not guilty, was defending his wife. Macon Weekly Telegraph Oct. 28 1872, Union Recorder Aug 15 1893.
Nov 1873 Unnamed Negro Man  J. C. Huff, white accidental shooting while hunting 
Aug 15, 1874 Oliver Ellison, white Thomas Fair, white Ellison was stabbed (5 times)  to death by Thomas Fair, who escaped. His family kept him hidden in their home for 13 years, his death disclosing the information. Georgia Weekly Telegraph  Aug 25,1874; Atlanta Constitution Jan 30, 1894
Dec 1874 Frederick McComb, white Horace Wilson, white 
F. M. Meadows, white
Altercation between Fred & Gordon McComb at Wilson & Meadows store. Wilson claimed he shot in self defense. He was convicted of voluntary manslaughter, and sentenced to four years imprisonment in the penitentiary. Meadows was held as accessory. Macon Weekly Telegraph Jan 5, 1875;    Feb 9, 1875  Apr 25, 1875; 
1875 Unknown, black Wesley Smith, black Killed a man on Webb's plantation Union Recorder Aug 21, 1877
Apr 30 1877 Ardeoro F. Moore Shaw, white Mike Shaw, white Shaw, who lived near Stevens Pottery killed his wife. Went to trial Aug. 1877, convicted of murder and hung July 15, 1878. He was hung on the gallows near the bank of the Oconee River. Macon Telegraph and Messenger  May 4, 1877(1);  May 4, 1877 (2);  May 6, 1877;August 25, 1877; Georgia Weekly Telegraph May 15, 1877 May 22, 1877;  July 9, 1878;July 16, 1878;Columbus Daily Enquirer August 28, 1877; Atlanta Constiution June 12, 1878, June 14, 1878;  June 18, 1878 
1878 James Bostwick, black Mike Shaw, white
Rufus Veal, black 
Bones found in old well near his residence. Union and Recorder Jul 16, 1878. Shaw hung for murder of his wife, Veal was not prosecuted.
Sep 1878 Sidney Harris, black Policeman  A. Dunn, white Union and Recorder, Sep 24, 1878
Sep 1878 Jack Simmons, black E. A. Ennis, white Justifiable homicide. Union and Recorder Sep 10 1878
1878 Unnamed Child, black Group of children, black Playing court and hanging, the child was hanged accidentaly.  Macon  WeeklyTelegraph and Georgia Journal  & Messenger  10/1/1878
Dec 1878 Charles Stiles, white E. P. Gibson, white Union and Recorder, Dec 17, 24, 1878, Feb 25 1879.
July 1879 Kelsey Tuttle, white Jesse Davis, white Davis disembowled Tuttle with his knife, ruled justifiable homicide. Macon  Weekly Telegraph and Georgia Journal & Messenger Jul 15 1879
October 1879 Cicero Gilmore, black unknown Union and Recorder Oct 7 1879
1881 - 1899
Nov. 15 1881 Steve Young, white Warren Owens, black Owens shot Young, bridge keeper, 5 times.  Owens fled to Palestine,Texas, in 1884 when Sheriff Ennis went to bring him home he escaped from the local sheriff with the help of his family. The Atlanta Constitution, Nov 17 1881; The Telegraph and Messenger Nov 27, 1884 
1882 Jesse Davis, white Sol Barrett, white Justifiable homicide. Macon Weekly Telegraph,  Sep 21 1882
June 6, 1883 York Cooper, black Benjamin Brookins, white Seduction of his daughter, justifiable homicide. Macon Weekly Telegraph Jun 7, 1883, July 22, 1883
January 1883 Willie McDowell, black, 12 yrs old Louise Lewis, black Sentenced to life in penitentiary. Union and Recorder Jan 16, 23, 188
Sep 1883 Abraham Greene, white Henry Reid, white Reid thought Greene was after his hogs. Union and Recorder Sep 23, 1883
Sept 26 1883 James Aids, white Mansfield Hubbard, Jr.,  white, George Whitaker, white Old grudge existing Aids & Hubbard, his brother-in-law. Hubbard  shot Aids in the stomach. George Whitaker named as accessory at coroner inquest.  Aids died on the 27th. Macon Weekly Telegraph Sep 30, 1883
Nov 10, 1883 John Tollison, white Alex McMillian, John McMillian, Daniel McMillian, John West Lingold, Os/Aus Wilson,  white Intoxicated, fight started at bar in Milledgeville. Mr. Lingold was stabbed to death at Fishing Creek.  The trial started Jan 22. 1884 and Alex McMillian was found guilty, mercy recommened and pardoned in 1890. Daniel McMillian and John West Lingold  pled guilty to voluntary  manslaughter. Aus Wilson pled guilty to involuntary manslaughter. These 3 received 1 year hard labor in the penitentiary.  Mrs. Sarah  Tollison, wife of John, died the day the trial started leaving 6 orphan children.  .Macon Weekly Telegraph, Nov 14, 18, 1883
Sep 1884 Silas Miller, black Henry Miles, black Accidently shot. Union and Recorder Sep 16, 1884
1884 Tom Clements, black Henry Etheredge, black Union and Recorder Jun 10, 1884; Jun 23 1885 
May 27, 1885 William M. Whitten, white  S. Henry Lane, white May 28, 29; June 2 1885, Atlanta Constitution. Found Not Guilty in July Superior Court after after jury was out 15 minutes. Union and Recorder July 28, 1885 
July 1885 "Free Joe"  Edwards, black Bill Todd, black
Martha Green, black, accessory
Stabbed with knife. Found guilty, Todd was sentenced to the penitentiary  for life. Macon Weekly Telegraph July 8,  23, 1885
Nov 1885 Tom Roberson, black Abraham Putnam, black Killing over damage of pig to potato patch. Verdict of coroner's inquest - murder in the first degree. The Macon Telegraph  Nov 8, 1885
Feb 1886 Deputy Marshall Charles N. Haygood, white Sam Ennis, white Shot down in the street of Milledgeville, the jurors Ennis found him not guilty. Macon Telegraph Mar 4, 1886; Aug 18, 1886. See Remembering Milledgeville, by Hugh T. Harrington, for details
Mar 4, 1886 Carrie Raines, white
Ella Humphries, white
Frank Humphries, white Guilty of killing wife's sister and neice, hung Sep 24 1886 Macon Telegraph 3/6/1886 - 9/24/1886, Atlanta Constitution .8/7/1886
1887 Abe Youngblood, white Charles. I. Robinson, white Acquitted by Baldwin Superior Court. Atlanta Constitution, Mar 12, 1887, July 19, 1887, July 31, 1887 
1887 Tom Glasgow, black John Johnson, black Murdered Glasgow on Sam Ennis place, Aug. 1893 sent to pen. for life  Brother of Ben Johnson (below). Macon Telegraph Aug 16, 1893
March 1887 John Harris,  and five family members, black Jim Bonner, black  Bonner, alleged voodoo doctor, poisioned the family of John Harris. Macon Weekly Telegraph May 5, 1887
Jul 1888 Virge Wright, black William Harper's gun, white Union Recorder, Jul 31, 1888
August 1888 William Roberts, white Walker Mixon, white Union Recorder, Aug 21, 1888
August 1889 Deacon Gus Reeves, black Henry Samples, black  Shot at a church in East Baldwin. Augusta Chronicle Aug 10, 1889; Union Recorder Aug 13, 1889 
Oct 26, 1890 Willis Reeves, black Unknown Clubbed to death at church fair out at J. T. Miller's place, Macon  Telegraph, Oct 27, 1890
March 1891 Joe Tucker, white Myrick Ennis, white Tucker shot 7 times by his brother -in -law, they were  fighting over a dog. Macon Weekly Telegraph Mar 20, 1891
Sep 1891 Battle Infant, black Nellie Battle, black Accidentally smothered when the mother rolled over on him. Union Recorder Sep 1, 1891
Dec 1891 Ellen Tucker, black George Grant, black Shooting at Crawford Densley, Grant accidentally shot Ellen Tucker. Union Recorder Dec. 15, 22 1891
Jan 1892 David L. Reeeves/Reaves
Robert Collins, white Collins made disparging remarks about family which let to a fight. Collins shot Rives with double barreled shotgun.Union Recorder Feb 2, 1892; Macon Weekly Telegraph, Feb 1, 14, 15 1892; Union Recorder, Aquitted Jan 17, 1893
Mar 23, 1892 Smithy Ennis Leonard, white Lewis Williams 1st suspect, black. Ben Temple, black 2nd suspect  Brutally murdered with an ax at her home near Black Springs. Her husband Rev. Simon C. Leonard died a little over a year later. Union Recorder March 29, 1892; Macon Weekly Telegraph April 3, 1892
Apr 20 1892 Lawson Garrett, black Dr. O. F. Moran, white Quarrel between James Osborne & Garrett  threatened Moran was in the act of shooting Osborne, when, threatened by Garrett,  Moran shot him in head. Coroner's jury - verdict of justifiable shooting. Union Recorder Apr 26, 1893 
May 1892 William D. Barnes, white Charles Richardson, white  Fighting at church over a woman Richardson shot Barnes who died 2 months later.  Union Recorder May 31,  Jul 26, Aug 2, Sep 13, 1892
Mar 23, 1893 Charlton Lockhart, white  Ben Johnson, black Union Recorder Mar 21; Apr 4; Aug 15, '93
Apr 1893 Malry Andrews, black Henry Moore, black Union Recorder, April 11, 1893
May 16, 1893 Daniel Goodwin/Gooden/Gordon, white Dave Upshaw, white Shot near Stevens Pottery  because of slander against Upshaw's wife. In the August trial it was declared a mistrial. Union Recorder May 23, 1893; Macon Weekly Telegraph  Aug 13, 1893
Nov 1893 Creasy Scoggins, black Anna Walker, black A mixture of man's infidelity and man's burning jealously. Walked stabbed Scoggins and fled. Union Recorder Nov 21, 1893
Sept 12, 1894 F. A. Faulkner, Sr., white Robert H, Miller, white Miller shot and killed Faulkner over a dispute over a road through Faulkner's property to Miller's property. Coroner's jury - murder. Union Recorder Sep 18, 25,  1894
Apr 3 1895 Pat Shea, white Prof. W. E. Reynolds, white Mistaken for a burglar, coroner's jury ruled justifible homicide. Union Recorder, April 9, 1895
May 1,  1895 Jim Moore, black  Charley Williams, black Sentenced to 10 years, Union Recorder, May 7, 14; Jul 30, 1895
May 1895 Mary Jane Havre's infant, black Polly Havre, black Infant smothered and buried by grandmother. Union Recorder Jun 4, 1895

Apr 1895
Robert Slater, black Lewis Davis, black Slater accidentally shot by Davis. Union Recorder Apr 30, 1895
Jan 1896 Charlie Phillips, black Pleas Hall, black Hit in head with rock. Union Recorder Feb 4, 1896
Feb 1896 Charlie Owens, black Eli Render, black Shot in neck, Render escaped. Union Recorder Mar 3 1896
Mar 24, 1896 Walter Hemphill, white Joe H. Ewalt; Charlie Mathis, accessory, white Hemphill, a clerk in  C. T. Whelan's Bar was shot 3 times by Joe H. Ewalt of Paris Ky & Hancock County, Ga. , a hostler for racehorses;. Hemphill died March 30, 1896. Ewalt was convicted of 1st degree murder in the July 1896 superior court and sentenced to life imprisonment. Col. W. C. P. Breckinridge of Ky was his lawyer.  Case was  appealed. 
Union Recorder Mar 21, 1896. Union Recorder Jul 21, 1896. Ewalt was pardoned in 1902. In 1907 Ewalt accidentally shot T. F. Jackson from Athens at the Putnam Hotel in Eatonton. The wound was not serious. Macon Daily Telegraph Nov 16, 1907
Aug 1896 Anderson Phillips, black John Telfair, black Shot at Stevens Pottery. Union Recorder Sep 1, 1896
Aug 1896 Kittie Richards, black Henry Richards, black Husband beat her to death. Union Recorder Sep 1, 1896
Sep 1896 Reuben Carswell, black Wm Harper, white Robbery at Harper's store in Midway. Union Recorder Sep 8, 1896
Nov 24 1896 Eliza Campbell, black Will Bland, black Hit in head. Union Recorder Feb 16, 1897
Nov 30 1896 Zeke Rollins, black Phil Carter, black Wrestling match. Union Recorder Dec 1896
Nov 1897 Tate Etheridge, black Jim Nicholls, black Union Recorder Nov 30 1897
Feb 14, 1898 Anna Hood, black George Barnes, black Stabbed to death by her half brother Union Recorder Feb 22, 1898
April 1898 Spence Cannon, black Willis Wallker, black
Thomas Rhinehart, black
Richard Stewart, black
Union Recorder Apr 26, May 24, Jul 19 1898
1898 W. O. Finney, white William B. Stanley, white Altercation in Stanley's resturant led to shooting of W. O. Finney. Tom Finney, son of W. O. Finney was shot. as well as  J. R. & W. B. Stanley. Coroner's jury ruled justifiable homicide. Union Recorder, Nov 22, 1898.
Dec 1899 Henry Dixon, black Silas Harrison, black Dixon, a young boy, was accidentally shot on Joseph Stile's place. Union Recorder Dec 26 1899
1900 - 1919
Nov 1900 Sidney Cobb, black Sullivan Harris, black Shot near Steven's Pottery. Union Recorder Nov 6 1900
Feb 1901 Frank Odom, black William Stiles, white Union Recorder Feb 12, 1901
Feb 1901 Solomon Infant, black Mary Eliza Solomon Union Recorder Feb 19, 1901; Aug. 27, 1901
Jun 1901 John Bass, black Sidney Clark, black Killed with baseball bat Union Recorder June 18, 1901
1901 Susie Williams, black York Smith, black  Accidentally shot by her adopted father, York Smith, Union Recorder.,Sep 3, 1901; 
Jul 1901 Tom Pace, black Will Brown, black Union Recorder Jul 30, 1901; Jan 21, 1902
Oct 1901 Bonnie Respess, black Jim Springs, black Murdered at state prison farm. Union Recorder  Oct 29, 1901 
Nov 1901 Cornelius Dallas, black
Charles I Meadows, white
Charles I Meadows, white
Cornelius Dallas, black
Dallas shot in Meadows bar, then Meadows died.  justifiable homicide,Union Recorder  Nov 12 1901 
Feb 26 1902

Aug 1902
Dink Calhoun, black

Unknown Infant

Adophus Waller, black


Anger led to shooting near Georgia Depot. Macon Telegraph, Feb 27, 1902

An infant was found buried in a box in Stevens Pottery by boys playing. It could not be determined what race it was due to the decomposition of the body but the body appeared to be about 7 months old.. Macon Telegraph, Aug. 4, 1902.
Sep 1902 Jim Brown, black W. D. Pounds, white Shot near Turner's Warehouse Union Recorder Sep 9 1902
Oct 29 1902 John Wesley Lingold, white Pete Lingold,  white Intoxicated, quarreled on way home from circus, Union Recorder Nov 4, 1902
Nov 1902 Charles Harris, black Miles Butts, black Union Recorder , Nov 11, 1902
Dec 1903 John Butts, black Phillip Thomas, black Union Recorder,  Dec 29, 1903 
May 1904 Gus King, black Albert Young, black Shot near McComb's Mount. Given life sentence Union Recorder May 10, 1904; Macon Telegraph Nov. 9, 1906
Aug 30 1904 Henry Youngblood, black Julius Rice, black Hunting Acc. Union Recorder Aug 30, 1904
Oct 1904 Gus Dudley, black S. D Butler, white Union Recorder Oct 24, 1904
Dec 17, 1904 Mirabeau Hitchcock, black W. H. Leonard, white Jusitifiable homicide Union Recorder Dec 27, 1904
Dec 1904 Jake Patterson, black Henry Banfield, black Voluntary manslaughter Union Recorder Dec 27, 1904
Aug 1905 Willie Ware, black Fleming Ware, black Accidentally shot by his brother Union Recorder Aug 2, 1905 
Nov 1905 Jim King, black Zed Butler, black Jim King was shot by hs fatherin-law Zed Butler. Union Recorder Nov 14, 1905
Nov 1905 Adam Wesley, black Clinton  C. Boyer, white Union Recorder Nov 14, 1905
Dec 1905 Harris Graham, black Dudley Singleton, black Union Recorder Dec 26, 1905
Dec 1905 Jake/Jack Rushens/Rushin
Mimms Devereaux black Killed a man over dispute of money won in crap game. Hung November 16, 1906 in Baldwin County. Union Recorder Nov 7, 1905; Mar 6, 1906; Nov 20, 1906 
Jan 1906 O. W. Meadows , white Ras Sanders, white Found shot in his buggy near Baldwin & Hancock counties line. Sanders found not guilty.   Atlanta Constitution Jan 6, 1906 Macon Daily Telegraph  Jan 14, 1906
Jan 21 1906 Ben Dawson, black Abe Wise, black shot on old Whitaker place in East Baldwin, Union Recorder Jan 30, 1905
Jun 1906 Will West, black Adam Hitchcock,Jr.,  black Row about a woman, justifable homicide, Union Recorder July 3 1906
Aug 1906 Pack Hitchcock, black Thomas Richardson, black  Union Recorder Aug 21, 28, 1906
Sep 1906 William McAlister, black Fraley Thomas, black Fraley got life sentence. Union Recorder Jan 22, 1907
Jan 1907 Oscar Dolphus, black Crawford Trawick, black Children. Union Recorder Jan 8, 1907
May 1908 Jimmie Myrick, black Essie Myrick, black Essie Myrick killed husband in self defense. Union Recorder May 5 1908
May 16, 1908 Williard Brewer, white Daniel Brewer, white In drunken spree, Daniel Brewer, 67 yr old Confederate Veteran,  shot his 23 yr old son Williard Brewer. He was in prison in 1910 per 1910 census. Divorced, he died in Laurens County July 20, 1920.  Census.  Atlanta Constitution May 17, 1908
Jul 1908 Lewis Moss, black Cleveland Trawick black, Shot Jul 21 1908 Union Recorder
Aug 1908 Jeff Humphries, black Chauncey Trawick, black Humphries was shot and killed by Trawick in eastern Baldwin. Union Recorder Aug 11, 1908
Dec 1908 J E Sherrer, white E. N. Stevens, white Hunting Acc. Union Recorder Dec 8, 1908
Jan 2, 1909 Hattie Brown aka Jackson, black Charles Reeves, black Brutal murder, Reeves escaped, reward offered. Milledgeville News Jan 9, 1909; Union Recorder May 25, 1909
Jun 1909 Mrs. Rabun Reeves, black Rabun Reeves, black Struck his wife on back of head with an iron bar. Escaped, found and arrested 2 weeks later. Union Recorder Jul 13, 1909
Jul 17, 1909 J A. Aldred white William C. Croley, white Aldred was shot by Croley while resisting arrest by Policeman Jack Roberts. Union Recorder Jul 20 1909;  Jan 23 1911
Nov 1909 Annie Ward, black Charley Ward, black Accidentally shot by her half-brother Charley Ward while playing with a gun. Union Recorder Nov 16 1909
Nov 27, 1909 Charles Warren, black Lee Wurnum, black Killed near Hopewell. Union Recorder Dec 7,14, 1909
Nov 1909 Edmund Sykes, black Will Jones, black Shot in Salem District. Union Recorder Dec 1. 1909
Apr 1910 Arthur Roberson, black Lee Hill, black Union Recorder Apr 19, 1910
May 7, 1910 Jere M. Pound Jr., white Powell Allen, white Allen accidentally shot 16 yr old Pound.  Columbus Daily Enquirer May 8, 1910
Jun 1910 Gus Bass, black Mabel Dixon, black Shot accidentally while hunting blackberries. Union Recorder Jun 17, 1910
Aug 1910 

Aug 1910 
Lessie Johnson, black

Mrs. Louis Young, black

Louis Young, black
Union Recorder Aug 16, 1910

Milledgeville News,  August 19, 1910 
Dec 1910 Hansel Crooms, black  Will Hutchens, black Hit fellow prisoner on head with ax. Union Recorder Dec 13. 1910
Dec 1910 Wesley Killings, black Unknown  Milledgeville News, Dec 16, 1910
Mar 1911 Phillip Lamar, black Abe Wise, black Shot on Shinholser place, E. Baldwin, Wise escaped Union Recorder Mar 21, 1911; Oct 24 1911. Found guilty, sen. to life
May 1911 Joe Stephens, black Lewis Humphreys, black Killed on J. D. Myrick's plantation. Union Recorder May 2, 1911
July 1911 W. H. O'Neal, white C. R. Jenkins, guard at state prison farm, white Milledgeville News Jul 14, 1911; Union Recorder Jul 18, 1911
Aug 1911

Aug 29, 1911
Anderson Fraley, black

George Key, black
Charles Collins, black

Joe Henry Clements, black
Union Recorder Aug 15; Nov 3 1911

Milledgeville News Sep 3, 1911; Union Recorder Sep 5, 1911
Sep 1911 Thedore Meminger, black Crowley Thomas, black Shot at Morgan's Chapel. Union Recorder Sep 19, 1911
Dec 1911 E. M. Osborn, white Tom Pugh, white Fought over dog, Osborn shot in lungs. Macon Weekly Telegraph Dec 10, 1911
1912 Charlie Bonner, black Henry Taylor, black Bonner was shot on the plantation of D. P. Myrick in the spring. found guilty of murder, sentenced to be hung Sept 27. Union Recorder Feb 27, 1912; Union Recorder, Jan 31, 1913
Mar 1912 Mack Lewis, black Hattie Lewis, black, his wife Husband shot at J. W. Hooten's place. Union Recorder Mar 26, 1912, Aug 20, 1912
Sep 22, 1912 S. E.  Blackwell, white  Major Wright, black Shot and killed downtown after altercation. Union Recorder Sep 24, 1912
Dec 1912

Aug 13, 1913
Sol Ward's 6 year old son, black

Mrs Will Winters, white 
Coleman Ward, black

Mrs. Charles Winters, white
Accidently shot his nephew Milledgeville News Dec. 27, 1912 

Accidently shot by her sister-in-law in Stevens Pottery  Milledgeville News, Aug 15, 1913
Oct 1913 Dave Sanford, black John Jackson, black Milledgeville News Oct 17, 1913
May 1914 Earnest A. Handley, white Charles Couch, white
C. E. Ledbetter, white
Shot at state sanitarium over a woman. Milledgeville News. May 29, 1914
July 1914 Henry Finney, black Tom Hill, black Milledgeville News Jul 24, 1914
Jan 19, 1915 Mrs. Clifford F. Polk, white  Clifford. F. Polk, white Jan 19, 1914, Polk, an employee at the state sanitarium shot his wife  at the residence of J. O. Cooper, who operated a store near the sanitarium. At July term of court in 1915  he was  tried on a writ of lunacy and found sane. Case appealed and  reversed. Tried again & found sane. After an appeal the verdict sustained. His last statement was that he felt he was right to what he did and was ready to pay the penalty and meet God.  He was hung  at the county jail on Nov. 30, 1918. Union Recorder Jan. 19, 21  1915 Macon Telegraph  Nov. 30, 1918
April 1915 Bearl Folsom, black Sherman  Mason, Jr. black Union Recorder 4/6/1915; 7/27/1915. Voluntary Manslaughter, sentence to 10 years
1915 Frank Devereux, black  Grover Brookins, black  Cut to death at Stevens Pottery, Voluntary manslaughter, 15 years, Macon Daily Telegraph 7/11/1915; Union Recorder 7/27/1915
May 1915 Charles G. Gates, white Lester Shores Gates, white C J. Gates, a 25 yr old employee at a local brick plant, threatened to kill his wife and  2 children.  Mrs. Gates beat her husband to the pistol. She was exonerated by the coroner's jury. Union Recorder May 25, 1915
Jul 1915 Sylvia Pearson, black  Henry Curtis, black Henry Curtis shot and fatally wounded  Sylvia Pearson and then turned the gun on himself, dying instantly. Macon Weekly Telegraph 7-21-1915
Oct 1915 Eli Wells, black  Charlie "Wild Bill" Williams, white Famous moonshiner "Wild Bill" Williams was found not guilty.
Union Recorder  July 4, 18, 1916
Feb 1916 Henry Bowen, black  Tom Warren, black  Justifiable. Union Recorder Feb 1, 1916
May 1916

Aug 1917
Alonzo Goddard, black 

Joseph L. Simms, white 
Robert Christian, white

Alva Turner, white
Justifiable. Union Recorder May 23, 1916

Robbery. Milledgeville News, Aug. 17, 1917
Nov 1917 Enoch Martin, black  Mr. Adams, white Justifable. Union Recorder Nov 27, 1917 
Nov 17, 1917 Isaac Nelson, black Henry White, black; 
Bill Stokes, black
Frank Dumas, black
Comer Drewery, black
White - not guilty; Stokes fined $150 or 12 mos prison; Drewery's charge dismissed. Union Recorder Dec 4; 18, 1917. 
1918 Tom Young, black John Brown, black Killed in eastern Baldwin Co. Mistrial. Macon Daily Telegraph 1/27/1918; UR Jan 21; 23
Mar 1918 Wafe Easley, black Otho Landrum, black Shot 5 times. Union Recorder Mar 13, 1918
Aug 1918 Charley Cooper, black George Clay, black Justifiable Homicide. Union Recorder Aug 14, 1918
Mar 1919 Joe Easton, black Thomas Adams, black Knife Accident. No charge. Union Recorder Mar 25, 1919
May 1919 Charlie Hill, black Charlie Vinson, black Union Recorder May 6, 1919
May 1919 Andrew King, black  George Hogan, black Union Recorder May 11, 1920; Milledgeville News Jul 20, 1921
July 1919 Bennie Brown, black Charley Foster, black Found guilty, 1 year in penitentiary July 22, 1919; Jan 20, 1920
Aug 1919 Carl Watson, white unknown Carl Watson, a native of Alabama,  was found floating in the  Oconee River Aug. 21. Married to Lillian Jones for only 2 months, he was missing Aug. 16 1919 when he went to Milledgeville to work.  8 local men and women were arrested and released.  Case never solved. Macon Weekly Telegraph 9/1/1919, 9/6/1919,  7/14/1921, 7/16/1921,  7/19/1921
Oct 1919 Charley Spencer, black

Tom  Easley, black
Ed Little, black

Tim Kelly, black
Found guilty, life sentence Union Recorder Oct 7, 1919; Jan 20, 1920.

Shot near Stevens Pottery, Kelly escaped. Union Recorder  Nov 11, 1919
Dec 1919 Tom Mims, black Andrew Gorley, white Jusifiable homicide. Union Recorder Dec 30, 1919
1920 - 1983
May 1920 Henry Allen, black  Sill Reynolds, black Both from Wilkinson, Reynolds escaped. Union Recorder May 25, 1920
1920 Andrew King, black  George Hogan, black Shot at the County Line Church. coroners verdict murder. Hogan left the county.  May 11 1920. Union Recorder. Found in Cleveland Ohio and returned to the county. Mar 23, 1921. Found guilty of first degree murder July 1921 and sentenced to be hung Aug. 19th, Milledgeville News Jul 20, 1921
Jul 1920 Mack Simmons, black  Madison Cummings black Simmons, at Fraley's Ferry, was shot 3 times by Madison Cummings. Union Recorder Jul 27, 1920
Jul 1920 Tilley Mae Harris, black Eugene "Gene" Harris, black Shot his wife and threw her in the Oconee River, arrested in Cleveland Ohio.  Given death sentence. Hung Dec. 1921 Milledgeville News  Jul 20, 1920; Aug 31, 1920, Jan 24, 1921; Mar 4, 1921, May 11, 1921,   Oct. 19, 1921; December 14, 1921
Oct 17, 1920 Will Lee, black Marion Ford, black
Frank Myrick black
Shot during a robbery in the Meriweather Community. Union Recorder Oct 19, 1920
Jan 2, 1921 Oscar Steele, black Clairborne Norwood, black Shot in abdomen, Milledgeville News Jan 7 1921. Received 15-20 yrs for manslaughter
Jan 1922 Zack Stephenson, black L. R. Riley, white
W. H. Smith, white
killed in pistol battle with Stevens Pottery Plant officials. Macon Weekly Telegraph 1/10/1922
July 29, 1922 Samuel Williams, black - Stabbed to death per death certificate
May 1922 Lonnie Griffin, white Cleon H. Johnson. white
Charlie Hitchcock. white
July 1922, Johnson was found guilty of murder in the cutting of Lonnie Griffin, his cousin,  to death. Sentenced to life imprisonment. Charlie Hitchcock, his cousin, charged as accessory. Went to trial July 1922, found guilty and given 5-10 yr sentence. Telegraph May 3, Jul 21,  23, 1922 
Oct. 6, 1924 Emory Berry, white  Mary Claire Berry, white In 1925, 16 yr old Mary Claire Berry was acquitted on the poisoning death of her 3 year old brother Dolphus and  6 year old brother Emory Berry. Augusta Chronicle, Feb 26, 1925. She died in (Mary Tidwell) in Atlanta in 1933.
Sep 1925 Amy Oxford, white

Willie Sims, alias Willie Dixon, black
Willie Sims, alias Willie Dixon, black

Mob - unknown whites 
Black inmate at the State Sanitarum killed Amy Oxford, a nurse. He was taken from the sanitarium by a mob to Wilkinson County, chained to a tree and beaten to death  with a pick handle. Macon Telegraph Sep 16, 17, 18, 22 1925
May 1926 Phillip Cole, black George Birdsong, black Birdsong killed his son-in-law for beating his wife. May 17, 1926, Macon Telegraph
Jun 1926 Isaac McClelland, black Cecil Norwood, black Killed at St. Mary's Church. Jun 15, 1926 Macon Telegraph
Jun 1926 Ike Seay, white Jim Miller, white Knife wounds, arguing over girl. Justifiable homicide  Macon Telegraph Jun 15, 1926
Dec 11 1928 James W. Nicholls, white Male patient at asylum Beaten to death.  Death Certificate. Dec 15, 1928 Columbus  Daily Inquirer
Dec 1928 Ed Thomas, black John Reeves, black
Luther Saulsberry,  black
Beaten and robbed.
Macon Telegraph Dec 18, 1928
Dec 7, 1929 Cora Harrington, white Maurice Harrington, white Shot by her husband who afterwards committed suicide. Macon Telegraph 12-09-1929
Dec 26, 1929 Jasper Liggins, black Briscoe Butler, white gunshot, just. homicide, per death cert. Macon Telegraph  Dec 28, 1929
Dec 1929 Baxter Franks, white Tom Brantley, white Brantley shot Franks during argument. Dec 26 1929 Macon Telegraph
Jun 1930 John Bennett, white
Henry Moran, white
Gaston Medlin, white Shooting affray. Self Defense.  Macon Telegraph, June 9, 14. 15, 1930
Nov 5 1930 Edna "Ed" Horton, 14 yrs old,  white Mae Crooms, white
Inez Temples,  white
Robert Seay,  white. Shurley Seay, white
"The Silk Stocking Murder"  Crooms, Temples and Robert Seay received life in prison. Shurley Seay 3 years for perjury. Macon Telegraph Nov 8, 1930.  Augusta Chronicle, July 20, 22, 25, 25 1931. Macon Telegraph Jan 21, 1932. Robert Seay paroled 1938; Shurley Seay jailed for perjury, paroled in 1934
Crooms paroled 1938 per Georgia, Central Register of Convicts, 1817-1976
Nov 1931 Joe Bird, black Tom Laney, black Killed at prison, Macon Telegraph Nov 11, 1931
Aug 1932 James Johnson, white Seabie L. Roberts, white battle at filling station, justifiable, Aug 19, 1932 Macon Telegraph
May 1933 Dewey Crowe, white Trammell Wilson, white escape attempt at state prison, June 4, 1933  Macon Telegraph
December 1934 Dr. Murray King, white Victor Underwood, white Self-defense, Dec 3 1934, Macon Telegraph
April 1935 Luther Maddox, white Callie B. Franks, white Shot in east Baldwin. Macon Telegraph 21 April 1935; 18 July 1935
1938 Malvin Lee Roach, white Grady Prosser, white Highway death. Macon Telegraph Jan 18, 1939
Apr 18, 1939 Lonnie Allen, white Rosa Allen, white  Jusifiable homicide, Augusta Chronicle Apr 19, 1939
Aug 1939 Callie Franks Booth, white
Stoye Julian Nixon, white
Stoye Julian Nixon, white
Alva Booth, white
Gun fight between business partners at a "filling station"
Augusta Chronicle Aug 3, 1939
Feb 1940 Jim Trawick, black Patient at State Hospital Night watchman was beaten to death by patient. Marietta Journal Feb 9, 1940
Apr 1942 Runette Simmerson Gunnells, white *Robert R. Gunnells, white Gunnells was charged with shooting his wife, who he claimed committed suicide. A mistrial was called. Augusta Chronicle, July 23, 24, 1942 
1942 Rias Beckman, black Charles Albert Osborne, white Got life for the death of R Paroled 1946, commuted 1957
Feb 1944 Charles R. Grimes, white Willis Myrick, black Macon Telegraph Feb 15, 1944
Sep 1944 Bertha Logan Gunnells, white *Robert R. Gunnells, white Shot and killed his wife. Sentenced to death Macon Telegraph Jan 19, 1945
1948 Edgar McAfee, white Betty McAfee, white
Aubrey Logan, white
Slashed man to death. Augusta Chronicle Oct 17 1948; Jan 21, 1949 
Logan got life, 
McAfee got life, paroled in 1952, commuted 1965 per Georgia, Central Register of Convicts, 1817-1976
1949 Emma Johnkin, black Marion Stembridge, white Augusta Chronicle May 3, 4, Jun 2 1953
May 1953 Marion Ennis, white
Stephen T. Bivins, white
Marion Stembridge, white Stembridge shot the two attorneys, then killed himself. Augusta Chronicle
Nov 1961 Alonzo Edward Slater, black  Watson Red Herren, black Charged with strangling Slater, body left in rear of Harlem poolroom in Milledgeville. Augusta Chronicle
Oct 1962 Richard Ingram, black D. W. McCook, white Guard at prison camp. Augusta Chronicle
Nov 7, 1974 Carswell Carr, age 45, white
Mindy Carr, his daughter, age 15
John Paul Knowles, white Serial Killer. Augusta Chronicle
May 1977 George Hill, Sr.  Roger Horne
Andrew P Legare
Two youths escaped from YDC, and killed Mr. Hill. Augusta Chronicle 
Dec 1983 Dennis Cox, white Fabian Dennis Wright,
James Henry Beal
Kelvin Morris Wallace
4th youth, 16 yrs
After escaping the Youth Development Center, they shot 80 year old  former sheriff Dennis Cox in the neck while he was babysitting 2 of his great-grandchildren. Augusta Chronicle

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2004